Top 10 Weirdest Things Discovered Inside Area 51

Area 51 Area 51  is a military installation located at Groom Lake in southern Nevada. It is administered by  Air Force Base in southern California. The installation has been the focus of numerous conspiracies involving extraterrestrial life, though its only confirmed use is as a flight testing facility. U-2, a U.S. high-altitude aircraft, c. 1957. Underwood Archives/ Explore the conspiracy …

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Contact with Sasquatch and their Message to Humanity

Michael Salla Sunbow Truebrother began having experiences with Sasquatch (aka Big Foot) and UFOs in 1981 at age 17. He says that his great great grandfather was a Sasquatch hybrid and that this predisposed him to find out more about these mysterious beings. He traveled around the world meeting indigenous peoples who all had stories …

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Noah’s Ark had a shape of a pyramid, not a ship – Scientists

There is new evidence that Noah’s ark was built in the shape of a pyramid, not a ship, according to the scientists who continue to explore the Dead Sea Scrolls, reports Sedmitsa. Researchers at the “Laboratory of the Leon Levy for digital processing of the Dead Sea Scrolls”, using specially designed cameras, have scanned tens …

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Project Serpo: Human Alien Exchange Program – The “Yellow Book” What Ebens Know About Our Universe

UFO Video Addicts The “Yellow Book” and “Red Book” explained. The yellow book was given to us by the Ebens. It is the history of our universe written by the aliens. It tells of their interactions with early humans and how they played a role in our development. It discusses how religion was established on …

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Watch “Made contact with a real ufo, cut, and stabilized with adobe after effects” on YouTube

UFO HUNTER Joey Franko Made contact with a real UFO, cut and stabilized with adobe after effects This video is cut right to where the cont with the UFO starts, then the second half is stabilized with adobe after effects . The object is cropped 300% and dragged to the center of the screen 1 …

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Is Earth As An ‘Interesting’ Planet to a Alien Civilization?

  The ideal ‘Earth 2.0’ will be an Earth-sized, Earth-mass planet at a similar Earth-Sun distance from… [+] NASA Ames/JPL-Cal-tech/T. Pyle All across the Universe, trillions of galaxies can be seen, with each one typically containing billions and billions of stars. Here on Earth, life not only arose, thrived, and became complex and differentiated, but …

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Search For aliens in 1976 By Neil Armstrong in The South American Jungles

A giant cave in the Andes known as Cueva de los Tayos (or Cave of the Oilbirds) has long been discussed among ancient astronaut theorists. They believe that the cave was once inhabited by the ancient people who evolved after getting aid from the extraterrestrials. In his book “The Gold of the God” (1972), the …

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3 Components to use when meeting an Extraterrestrial

By  Mike Rampton   What do you do if you encounter an Extraterrestrial? It’s obviously fairly unlikely, but nothing is impossible—after all, you can’t spell meet without ET. If there’s a stray animal in your backyard, there’s a set procedure to follow. But what if, rather than a mere animal, it’s a Extraterrestrial from another …

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Did I Go Back In Time With Help From Interdimensional Beings? By Nancy Thames

  During A Dream The first occurrence in my Contact Experience was that I was driving a vehicle at night heading back to my home from some unknown city that was around 4 or 5 hours away. I was confident and very alert and this would be a very pleasant drive. However, after a hour …

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Solar Warden Reverse-Engineered Technology From E.T. To Dominate Space

April 16, 2021 The secrets of UFOs, anti-gravity technology, and alien artifacts found in the past demonstrate that governments hide something that can cause huge chaos around the world. Why Nikola Tesla’s dream of free energy was never fulfilled? We have no answers, but his biographer wrote about his contact with extraterrestrials. Even during the …

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