It was a GIFT for Humanity, but They Concealed it within Classified Projects… The Amicizia Project

Gregg Braden Official Since the 1950s most technological advances coincide well with Moore’s law. That is, computing power doubles every two years. Yet we must question why space travel and energy sources are limited to decades-old technology. Timothy Good reveals details of the Amacizia Project from the 1950s, where mankind became the benefactor of off-world …

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Search For aliens in 1976 By Neil Armstrong in The South American Jungles

A giant cave in the Andes known as Cueva de los Tayos (or Cave of the Oilbirds) has long been discussed among ancient astronaut theorists. They believe that the cave was once inhabited by the ancient people who evolved after getting aid from the extraterrestrials. In his book “The Gold of the God” (1972), the …

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