Contact And Conversations From Another World

Broad Zaysan Saldusky has a rescue operation where he saves children from sex slavery – and also has had lifelong Alien Contact. He has been on their ships, been guided by them and has many stories of his contacts. He also has a book – The Plejaren Diaries V. Conversations with beings from a parallel …

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Meet Glenda Dawson A Contactee

“One of my experiences was around the age of 21… I was still in college and I was home studying. I was having a little difficulty with everything as it was finals time. I realized that time had stopped and then all of a sudden I saw a galactic being about 5 foot tall… gray …

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S5 Ep 87 A Conversation with ET Contact Researcher, Investigator & Author, Kathleen Marden

The Paranorm G Kathleen Marden has been researching the perplexing nature of UFOs and the non-human entities that are associated with highly advanced aerial vehicles, since 1990. But her interest in UFOs and ET contact began in 1961, when her aunt and uncle experienced one of the most well known, thoroughly documented, thoroughly studied and …

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Evidence of Advanced Psychic Abilities in a French Contactee & SSP Insider

Michael Salla In Jean Charles Moyen’s new documentary movie, Starseed Revelations 2, he presents for the first time physical evidence, eyewitness testimony, and scientific data corroborating his remarkable claims of advanced psychic abilities that led to him being recruited for a joint US French secret space program. Jean Charles had his first extraterrestrial contact experience …

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Hunrath And Wikinson Disappear After Extraterrestrial Encounter

There are various alien abduction incidents out there, but the strange incident discussed in this article is one of its kind. The subject of today’s article is a peculiar UFO case that has never been solved. All the alien abduction cases have one thing in common, that the abductee is brought back to the place …

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Why do some scientists believe we need a Special Language to Talk to Extraterrestrials?

Telepathic communication with extraterrestrial

The quest to establish communication with extraterrestrial or interdimensional beings is a topic that has intrigued humanity for centuries. Many theories and opinions have been put forth, often with varying degrees of skepticism and speculation. Some suggest that extraterrestrial beings may possess language skills and neurobiology similar to humans, implying the potential for verbal communication. …

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What is this Entity I witnessed in Fort Mitchell, AL?

In 2013, while residing in Fort Mitchell, AL, I had a remarkable encounter on my back porch around 9:30 pm. A ghostly Entity, devoid of color or distinct features, calmly traversed my backyard. Despite its ethereal presence, I felt no fear or unease. Instead, I remained quietly observant, neither moving nor speaking as the Entity …

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Stargazing in Australia and Cave drawings of Extraterrestrials by Ancient Civilizations in Australia

Cave drawings of extraterrestrial star travelers by the aboriginal people in Kakadu National Park

      Named after the illustrious soldier and astronomer, the Sir Thomas Brisbane Planetarium has been a cherished destination for school tours and cosmic enthusiasts alike since its establishment in 1978. Situated in Key West, Florida, this celestial haven beckons visitors to explore the wonders of the universe in a captivating journey through space …

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Alien Close Encounter Involving My Children In Key West, Florida

  During our stay at the Key West Marriott Beach Hotel in Florida, an extraordinary encounter unfolded, forever altering our perceptions of reality. It was a typical night, or so it seemed, as my family and I settled into our beachside room, the gentle ocean breeze lulling us into a peaceful slumber. Little did we …

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