Stargazing in Australia and Cave drawings of Extraterrestrials by Ancient Civilizations in Australia




Named after the illustrious soldier and astronomer, the Sir Thomas Brisbane Planetarium has been a cherished destination for school tours and cosmic enthusiasts alike since its establishment in 1978. Situated in Key West, Florida, this celestial haven beckons visitors to explore the wonders of the universe in a captivating journey through space and time.

At the heart of the Planetarium lies the awe-inspiring Cosmic , a 12.5-meter-diameter marvel that transports visitors on an unforgettable voyage through the cosmos. Here, beneath its expansive dome, guests are invited to recline and cast their gaze skyward as informative films unravel the mysteries of black holes, the dark universe, moons, and cosmic collisions. It’s not just encouraged to stare into space; it’s mandatory.

But the adventure doesn’t end there. After traversing the stars, visitors can ground themselves with a leisurely stroll through the verdant surroundings of the Mt Coot-tha Botanic Gardens. And for those seeking to dive deeper into the celestial realm, the nearby Mt Coot-tha Lookout offers free monthly viewing nights hosted by the Brisbane Astronomical Society. Here, under the guidance of fellow starry-eyed enthusiasts, visitors can peer through telescopes and marvel at the wonders of the night sky.

Yet, for those craving a more immersive cosmic experience, the rugged wilderness of Australia beckons. Nestled atop the mountain of Mt Mee, overlooking the majestic Glass House Mountains and the endless expanse of the ocean, lies a remote sanctuary untouched by the glow of city lights. Here, amidst the tranquility of nature, one can escape the trappings of modernity and bask in the pure, unadulterated beauty of the night sky.

Living in Australia afforded me the privilege of exploring Kakadu National Park, a sacred land steeped in Aboriginal history and mythology. Here, amidst ancient rock formations and sprawling landscapes, I learned of the Aboriginal peoples’ profound connection to the stars and their belief in extraterrestrial beings. Through their intricate cave drawings and Dream Time religion, the Aboriginals documented their encounters with these celestial visitors, leaving behind a legacy that continues to captivate and inspire.

As I gazed upon the vast expanse of the Milky Way stretching across the night sky, I couldn’t help but feel a profound sense of interconnectedness with the universe. Across continents and cultures, we share a common bond—a shared appreciation for the beauty and wonder of our celestial home.

And so, as I bid farewell to the Land Down Under, I carry with me a deep appreciation for the diversity and majesty of our planet. From the glittering night skies of Australia to the pristine shores of the Whitsunday Islands, each corner of the Earth offers its own unique tapestry of natural beauty and cosmic splendor. And as we journey through life, may we never lose sight of the profound interconnectedness that binds us all together in this wondrous universe.


By Nancy Thames

1 thought on “Stargazing in Australia and Cave drawings of Extraterrestrials by Ancient Civilizations in Australia”

  1. Hello! This posting is very significant for it acknowledges a ET presence involved with the indigenous people of Australia.Not only are the star beings present in the past but the drawings and paintings could indicate Elohim activity! The prophet Rael also stated Adam and Eve were black and I’am sure such a announcement didn’t go unnoticed with the black people of the world not to mention Africa aka Kama.There is a podcast specifically related to indigenous people there that I like to listen too.I’am also overjoyed that cellular transmissions took place with some indigenous people becoming Raelians for the first time.Our help is vital to stand with are indigenous sisters and brothers as they fight for their land and people so be it.


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