Arcturian Hybrid Talks About The Upcoming Planetary Changes

  Podcast guest 805 is Viviane Chauvet. Originally from Canada, Viviane is internationally recognized for her work as an advanced Arcturian hybrid avatar in a human projected form. Viviane’s healing practice and teachings inspire people to live in Universal Consciousness as sovereign Divine Beings. She specializes in multidimensional frequency healing, conscious channeling, soul matrix healing, …

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Revealing the Truth Behind Linear Time: What You Didn’t Know!

Aetheric Trans From a spiritual or metaphysical perspective, some believe that linear time is an illusion created by the limitations of our physical bodies and that our true nature exists outside of time and space. This idea is often associated with concepts like reincarnation and the idea that our souls are eternal and exist beyond …

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Channeling Aliens, Beings from the House of El – David Lotherington & TsP

Typical Skeptic Podcast UfO PaRaNoRmAl pSi At 28 years old David had his first awakening. His abilities began to come in waves as he developed and the more he healed himself and others the more skills and memories came forward to be remembered. David is a Melchizedek high priest that can channel the ascended masters, …

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