UFO contactee Billy Meier, addressed how recent developments in Europe were specifically predicted by Meier as far back as 1958.

COAST TO COAST AM – Michael Horn, spokesperson for famed UFO contactee Billy Meier, addressed how recent developments in Europe were specifically predicted by Meier as far back as 1958.

Horn declared that if the Meier claims of ET contact are real, it would be “the most important thing in human history.”

Horn continued with a litany of testimonials he says he has received from professionals who have checked on the Meier films, prophecies, and other material, and declared them genuine.

He recounted his interaction with a former Air Force investigator who says he looked carefully into Meier’s personal history and claims and found them to be entirely true. He (and others, such as special effects experts) Horn says, believe that photos of UFOs taken in the 1960s by Meier would have been impossible to fake at that time

1 thought on “UFO contactee Billy Meier, addressed how recent developments in Europe were specifically predicted by Meier as far back as 1958.”

  1. The small spinning eyed group of weirdos who still buy into this are no one to be envious of. They live a half life of denial and escapism and fantasy and make any excuse for Billy’s obvious trickery. They have escaped reality to the point they believe the most ridiculous claims and waste so much of their lives being arrogant about it. A photographer friend of mine laughed so hard when I showed him Billy’s silly model ships. I am not sure how many more times someone can prove this is a hoax. He gave his pleiadians biblical archangel names and yes, claims he is the reincarnated Jesus jmmanuel. No big ego there ha! The dinosaur images were proven to be paintings and his writings have evidence of plagiarism such as his claim that he wrote the famous Desiderata poem. Just look at the wedding cake ufo, it takes an insane deluded mind to argue that it is proof of an advanced civilization. A garbage can lid ufo model hanging on the side of a fake tree. His followers claim the men in black swapped the original photos with fakes to try to destroy him, how convenient, yet amongst the cult they still claim the photos are real, selling a large photo book called Photo Inventarium. It is all embarrassing and pathetic.


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