A Liberating Proposal from the Galactic Confederation of Light.


A Liberating Proposal from the Galactic Confederation of Light.

The following video was sent to us through our FaceBook page by the channel’s translator, Shana Estrana. I watched and listened carefully.  It is indeed “a high vibrational proposal”, channeled through Theysed Zaphiel.

There was one sticking point that made me hesitate to post it here, though.  That point being the suggestion to stop paying our mortgages and other loans, and for reasons that make perfect sense: the primary one being that the debt is all usurious.

I responded that it may be time to do that now but that I wasn’t sure that people were in a cohesive enough state to do it together as One.  That’s what it would take in my view, for all of us to stand up and say no to paying interest on money that never actually existed.

From experience I can say that such actions years ago did not go well and according to plan.

Shana’s response was encouraging enough for me to want to share both it and the video for readers to decide for themselves what feels right.

“Maybe it was not the time a couple of years ago.   What I like about his message is that he is inviting us to think about it, sense it, feel it and discern the information because it can’t be done from fear.

We are translating this message Into German, French, Italian and Portuguese so [more] people can listen to it, because we are in the Golden Age.”

The bigger ships of the Galactic Federation are self-contained worlds

The bigger ships of the Galactic Federation are self-contained worlds (the picture is an impression)

The three layers of space ships of the Galactic Federation (who of course have to be interpreted three-dimensionally). They constantly monitor the Earth and make sure that not a single species with less friendly intentions can visit the Earth anymore


We Have Never Been Alone !!! ~~~ We are the Disclosure !!!

Love and Regards, LOL = Love of Life

Thank You,

Nancy Thames


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