Whether we like it or not, aliens now play a big part in our society. Once the subject of fringe theories and crazy folk, extraterrestrials have permeated most aspects of human culture, from science to art and everywhere in between
Perhaps you never quite fit in with your peers, or your ambition was never understood, or your daydreaming got you into trouble over the years. You may be a visitor from another planet. Take the quiz to find your alien community.
Nordic Aliens
You are here to share spiritual and emotional wisdom. Your purpose is to encourage peace, harmony and stewardship of Earth. Explore the profile below to learn more.
AKA: Pleiadians, Space Brothers
Origin: Venus, Pleiades Star Cluster, Unknown
Mythological References: Hopi, References to Angels in Ancient Civilizations
Mode of Transportation: Spherical or cigar-shaped craft
Physical Characteristics: 5-7 feet tall with blonde to reddish hair and blue or green eyes; may not have irises, no sense of smell
Notable Abductees: Travis Walton, Billy Meier, George Adamski
Agenda: Share spiritual and emotional wisdom; encourage peace, harmony and stewardship of Earth
Communication: Telepathy and through dreams
Abilities: Advanced technological knowledge
Dimensional State: 4th and 5th
Grey Aliens
Your purpose is unclear but you are definitely here with an interest in life and how things work. You may be on a mission to gather intel or better understand human nature. Explore the profile below to learn more.
AKA: Greys, Roswell Grays, Zeta Reticulans
Origin: Zeta Reticuli
Mythological References: Fairies
Mode of Transportation: Saucer-shaped, triangular or spherical craft
Physical Characteristics: 3.5 feet tall with almond-shaped eyes and grey skin
Notable Abductees: Barney and Betty Hill, Whitley Strieber
Agenda: Unclear; interested in cloning and genetic manipulation to improve their lineage
Communication: Telepathy
Abilities: Mind control, highly intelligent
Dimensional State: 4th
Reptilian Aliens
You are here to make the most of life on Earth. Your mission is to better understand how humans make decisions and to hone your psychic abilities. Explore the profile below to learn more.
AKA: Reptoids, Dinosauroids, Lizardmen
Origin: Draco Star System
Mythological References: Chinese Dragon Kings, Islamic Jinn, Sumerian Anunnaki, Biblical Serpent
Mode of Transportation: Disc-shaped craft
Physical Characteristics: 6 to 8 feet tall, with snake-like heads, skin and eyes; brown, green, red and white skin, signifying rank; Webbed hands with three fingers and long, sharp talons; Attire includes cloaks or armor
Notable Researcher: David Icke
Agenda: Control other alien species including humans, forcibly taking resources and exerting control over civilizations; controlling the resources on planet Earth for their own benefit; DNA harvesting and manipulation
Communication: Psychic manipulation and through the astral plane or dreams
Abilities: Shapeshifting, screen memory implantation, control of human consciousness and emotions
Dimensional State: 4th and 5th
Mantis Aliens
Your purpose is unclear but you may be here to gather Intel, hone your shape shifting skills or protect humans from intergalactic danger. Explore the profile below to learn more.
AKA: Insectoids, Mantids
Origin: Draco System, Early Intelligent Life on Earth
Mythological References: Native American and African folklore, notably the Khoisan tribe
Physical Characteristics: 6-7 feet tall, with long, thin torsos; triangular heads; large, slanted eyes of deep brown to black; usually dark brown; bodies are composed of a segmented exoskeleton
Notable Contactees: Amariah
Agenda: Ranges from human protection to control of Earth; human DNA harvesting
Communication: Telepathy, interspecies clicking language
Abilities: Shape shifting, holographic projection, can induce paralysis
Blue Avians
You are divine love. You are here to teach humans that ascension occurs through peace, love, understanding and self-work. Explore the profile below to learn more.
AKA: Sphere Alliance
Origin: Unknown
Mythological References: Ancient Egypt (Ra, Thoth), Sumerian (Abgal), Hindu (Garuda)
Modes of Transportation: Spheres or at will travel
Physical Characteristics: Bird-headed with blue feathers but can appear as anything or remain unseen
Notable Abductees: Do not abduct humans; contact open and willing humans
Agenda: Teach humans that ascension occurs through peace, love, understanding and self-work
Communication: Telepathy; through dreamscapes; usually practice non-interference
Abilities: Telekinesis
Dimensional State: 6th to 9th
We are the change the world has been waiting for!
Have you witnessed an unidentified flying object?
Whether you think UFOs are black projects, extraterrestrial craft, something else altogether, or just don’t know.
Unconditional love. The road we all get to walk. Unconditional love is like the sun.
Love and Regards,
Thank You,
Nancy Thames
Hello! I agree on some level that ET’s are within us and as a online member of the Raelian movement.I concur with the title of this post we as humans have the Elohim potential within us in the form of our DNA.As for the spiritual or mystical aspect of it there remains no concrete scientific evidence for a conclusion from a supernatural source.Since humans were created by the Elohim in a scientific lab I debunk the supernatural explanation altogether as do other Raelians like me.Thank you again for this open minded article I look forward to comment more about it in the future goodbye for now!