The Humanoids in South America

November 11, 1965:
For several nights during late October and early November 1965, strange objects were seen in
the sky and seemed to be reconnoitering the huge farm complex of industrialist-chemist Dario Anhaua
Filho near Mogi-Guacu, Brazil. During the course of one incident, on November 11, Mrs. Filho and her
grandson watched a lighted object land in an adjacent field and saw small men alight from the craft and
walk around the field. The small figures picked up twigs and branches, and appeared to examine a mare

which was standing by the fence. They seemed unaware of their observers. Mr. Filho was in town on
business and when he returned, his wife told him of the event. The next day, he went back into town
where he contacted and invited friends, including the bank manager, to come and watch for the return of
the object and its occupants.
The vigil was rewarded on the night of the 13th. As darkness settled over the countryside, the
object came in and landed about 400 feet from the fence separating the yard and the field. At about this
time, the local sheriff and a police clerk who had been driving to Catagua, drove by on a highway near the
farm and saw the object hovering prior to landing.
The bank manager became so excited when the craft came down that he stumbled and dropped
his camera and could not find it in the dark.
The beings observed by the Filhos and the bank executive were small, about the size of seven-
year-olds. One was wearing overalls, the other chocolate-colored pants and a gray collarless shirt. The
third being had a squarish, flat head and was wearing what appeared to be a surgeon’s apron. All three,
including the ship, glowed brightly. They set about the tasks of the preceding night — uprooting plants
and plucking leaves and twigs from bushes.
When the object first landed, Filho called a neighboring farm and before the little men had
departed, some guards and the local parish priest, Longino Vartbinden, arrived at the farm and witnessed
the tableau in the field. When the little creatures were finished with whatever they were doing, they got
into the object which took off at high speed. The area apparently was not visited again.

This particular incident correlates with others in which the entities showed interest in
plants and bushes, and the size of the creatures fits that of the ones reported in the Masse
incident in France.
The call for re-examination of all occupant sightings brought immediate response from
APRO’s Dr. Fontes of Brazil, who has been one of the few researchers to face the problem of the
“little men” squarely from the very beginning of their injection into the UFO puzzle. He submitted
several cases which had not received widespread attention, among which is the following.
The location of this incident is Ceres, State of Goias, which is 300 miles in a straight line
from Sâo Francisco de Salles, the home of Antonio Villas-Boas. The date is October 10, 1954.
The entities involved in this report, it will be noted, closely resemble those of the Villas-Boas case,
but as Dr. Fontes points out, there is no possibility that one case was the cause for the other. The
Ceres case was first reported in the Brazilian press on November 30 and the first letter from Villas-
Boas concerning his experience to reporter Joao Martins had been received on November 15. At
the time that Villas-Boas contacted Martins, no mention of his experience had been published.

October 10, 1954:
On the night in question, Miguel Navarrete Fernandez, thirty-five, and a friend identified only as
Guido arrived in Ceres. Both men were obviously very frightened and shortly related their weird
experience with a huge flying machine. They were initially questioned by the proprietor of the local hotel,
who noticed their extreme agitation. They told their story.
Fernandez, an agent for the coffee company “Exportacao e Importacao Planalto Ltda.”, with his
friend Guido, had come to Ceres to pick up some merchandise. They went to a farm in the vicinity where
they carried out the business, loading merchandise into the truck. They then headed back to Ceres at 6
p.m. The trip was uneventful until about 8 p.m. when they were in an area called “Quebra Coco.” Guido
called the attention of Fernandez to a brilliant light ahead. Fernandez thought it was the light of another
truck and said so.

It was shortly obvious that the light was not that of a truck, for the light took shape — resembling
the “body of a helicopter” — and was very large. It was not on the road as they thought, but was moving
above the ground. Their truck moved under it, then the object, now behind them, made a turn, came
back and hovered about 150 feet in the air ahead of them. About two minutes later, it began to move
toward them. Guido, very upset, lost control of the truck and it ran off the road. The motor stalled and the
truck’s lights went out.
Both men were terrified. Guido shouted, “My God, that ball is going to hit the truck!” The object
appeared to be at least 420 feet wide and 120 feet high. It seemed to have stopped about 120 feet in
front of the truck and hung about 18 feet off the ground.
The dazzling violet-colored light went off suddenly and only a bright red antenna could still be
seen. Then a door opened from top to bottom, forming a sort of bridge (like the door of a Convair plane,
Fernandez said). Six slim and apparently normal people appeared in the doorway and looked silently at
the two men. Then a seventh appeared and stood with them. All were of small stature, had long hair but
otherwise appeared to be human. All of them had a phosphorescent or glowing red badge on their chests
which made it difficult to discern their features.
For about three minutes, the group of creatures watched the two men in the truck, then the door
was pulled up, the machine climbed until it was at about 1500 feet altitude and a small disc-shaped object
appeared through another opening and moved away in the direction from which the big object had
approached. At this point, the truck’s lights came back on and the engine began to function normally.
The two terrified men drove as fast as they dared toward Ceres.
Fernandez said that all the while the men were looking at him and Guido, he felt as though he
was in a trance, and had a strange feeling that they were talking to him and saying that they had come on
a peaceful mission, although he heard no sounds.

A few weeks later, Mr. Gabriel Barbosa de Andrade, the Judge of Ceres, forwarded a report
to the Secretary of Interior and Justice for the State of Goias giving the foregoing details.
The small stature of the “creatures,” the red glowing area on their chests and the way the
“door” opened all resemble those three features in the Villas-Boas case, yet there is no indication
that Villas-Boas knew of this incident, nor that Fernandez and his friend could have heard about
the Villas-Boas case later and concocted the story. They were questioned by the hotel manager
on the night of the experience and shortly thereafter, by Judge de Andrade. In February, 1958,
Fernandez was questioned in Rio by Dr. Fontes. All of the interrogators noted the agitation with
which Fernandez told his story. His friend Guido confirmed the details.
Another early occupant story to come to light recently was reported to Colonel Adil de
Oliveira in January, 1955. At that time, de Oliveira was Chief of the Brazilian Air Force Intelligence
Service. The witness, who was vacationing at his farm in the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil, near
the town of Campo Grande, refuses to let his name be made public, although it is known to
Colonel de Oliveira and to Dr. Fontes. The date: December 15, 1954. The details:
The observer was fishing a river about 400 yards from his home when he saw an unusual craft
land a few hundred feet away. His dog became very nervous and began to howl. Having his gun, which
was equipped with a telescopic sight, along with him, the observer employed it and was able to notice two
spheres of different sizes, the smaller one rotating around the other. The main object was not on the
ground but was hovering about six feet above it, and three balls appeared affixed to the underside of it.
Shortly, movement was detected and a few moments later, three creatures came down to the
ground. They appeared human but quite small, agile, and their movements were very rapid. One had a

kind of phosphorescent basket in his hand and another “man” had a metallic tube which was cone-
shaped on one end. A large amount of the calcareous material on the edge of the river was collected in
the basket and taken inside the craft. Then the two “men” came back to the same spot and, again
apparently using the tube, extracted the calcareous material from the ground. The tube was pointed at
the ground and the material was “sucked” up into it.
When they were seemingly finished with the latter task, the three little men got into the object,
which then took off at high speed.
After the object left, the observer went to the spot where the three little creatures had busied
themselves and found square holes had apparently been made in the ground by the cone-shaped
instrument. A few days later, he learned of the existence of similar holes in the same general area.
These holes were so large that they could have accommodated the entire body of a man.

The gathering of the calcareous material aroused the interest of many and some of it was
tested at the Institute for Technological Research. The analysis showed that it was made up of 61
per cent silica, 19 per cent aluminum oxide, 11 per cent magnesium and iron and other
components in smaller proportions. Laboratory specialists concluded that this material might be
the basis for a very efficient refractory material able to resist high temperatures.
The foregoing report seems to follow the pattern of the 1954 visitations in that it took place
in a rural area and involved small entities gathering soil samples. The chemical makeup of the
calcareous material is interesting if considered in the context of the theory that these “little men”
come here from somewhere in outer space.
One of the first occupant cases to come out of Brazil involved Pedro Serrate and
Francisco de Assis Teixeira, residents of the village of Pedras Negras on the Guapore River.

November 28, 1953:
On November 28, 1953, the two men allegedly went duck hunting in an area about two hours’
walking distance from the town. Arriving at their destination, they separated as was their custom.
Teixeira took up his station near the water of the bay and Serrate climbed a tree to watch for ducks.
Shortly, Francisco sighted an unusual aircraft passing over his head. It passed on and landed on
the surface of the water about 150 feet from his location. It made no sound.

Serrate was within 12 feet of the object when it stopped and his view was excellent. We
quote his translated report verbatim:
“The craft didn’t make a sound. On the rear, there was a tube at each side, curved, about 2
inches in diameter. The craft itself was about 4 meters in length (approximately 13 feet), about 2 meters
and 50 centimeters wide (about 8 feet) and two meters (6½ feet) in height. The bottom was in the shape
of a basin and made of blue metal. The vertical structure, about 1 meter (40 inches) high, was made of
glass or similar material. The covering was rounded, supported on the glass and held by metallic bars
existing on the inside with no rivets on the outside. On the rear, there was also a kind of rudder, a system
like a dolphin tail about 1 meter (40 inches) in length and about 50 centimeters in width (20 inches). The
whole craft was dark blue in color.”
“On the inside, there were six people seated three on each side, four being men and two women,
all apparently no more than twenty years old. They appeared to be of medium height and had red hair,
white skin, and reddish color on their faces. The women had long hair to the shoulders, parted on the

side. All were wearing thick clothes of the same color as the craft.“ ”As soon as the strangers noticed they were being observed, the craft took off. They made no
sign toward me. I was less than 9 feet from them when they discovered that I was watching them. As the
object took off, it made no sound and I saw no smoke. It disappeared in a second at incredible speed.”

A reporter for the newspaper O Imparcial edited in Guaruja-Mirim, Territory of Guapore,
noted that the two hunters spent a very nervous week after the sighting, completely upset by what
they had seen.
Another 1954 sighting which took place about a month after the start of the first Brazilian
UFO wave of reports was a landing at Santo Amaro, a suburb of Såo Paulo. Dr. Fontes described
it as an incredible and disturbing story which he would have hesitated to forward to APRO
headquarters had it not been for the fact that it had been released by Colonel de Oliveira (now a
brigadier) who was chief of the Brazilian Air Force’s UFO project at the time.
Our witness in this case is taxi driver Maurilio Braga Godoi and the following is a
condensed version of his account:

November 2, 1954:
On November 2, 1954, at 10:30 a.m., Godoi left the Santo Amaro streetcar terminal and started
to walk home. The area was deserted at that hour, and when he arrived at the corner of Andaguara
Street, he was startled to see a large object landed in an empty lot between two houses. It was glowing,
a circular object about 90 to 120 feet in diameter and surrounded by a strange reddish-blue or violet glow.
Curious about it, Godoi decided to investigate and approached it. He soon realized that it was much
larger than he had initially thought it to be and hesitated for a moment, a little frightened. The object was
like nothing he had ever seen before and he thought he should go to the police or some authority and
report it. He felt like running but seemed to be rooted to the ground. Godoi tried to call for help but no
sound would come from his mouth. It seemed he was in the grip of some strange feeling that persisted
for a time but which finally left him. When the feeling left, it was replaced by great curiosity and from his
position about 60 feet from the object he approached it.
Godoi noticed an open door (sliding) at one side and entered the ship. He didn’t recall afterward
if he used a staircase or not but he was in a large, circular room illuminated by a soft light. He saw no
lamps. There was no one in sight and the craft seemed to be deserted. At the center was an odd-
shaped table and on it were charts and maps. One of these especially attracted Godoi, for it was a map
of the South American continent and it had a glowing or phosphorescent quality. He noticed certain
symbols and took a closer look. The marks were mushroom-shaped and were seemingly scattered about
the map in a random manner.
Godoi had just finished scrutinizing the map when he looked up and froze where he stood.
Facing him were three “persons.” They seemed quite normal except that they were small — less than
five feet in height. They had dark brown skin, black, very short hair, and were dressed in a one-piece
garment like an overall which was light gray in color. He saw no buttons, zippers, or the like. Each wore
a belt around his waist which appeared to support an object which Godoi thought might be a gun.
The three creatures made no move toward Godoi, but stood in silent appraisal, occasionally
conversing among themselves in a completely (to him) strange language. He noticed that the K sound
was repeated quite often at the beginning of “words” more often than any other sound.
By now, Godoi’s fear had returned and he started back at the trio, paralyzed with fright. He tried
to talk to them, to tell them he meant no harm, but they were expressionless and just seemed to look him
over intently.

Godoi suddenly became aware that, completely against his will, he was backing out of the craft,
literally dragging his feet, one after the other, his attention riveted to the “men.” They made no attempt to
stop him. When he reached the door, he jumped to the ground and started to run away. When about 30
feet from the ship, he turned his head. The object was by then hovering about 30 feet above the ground,
having at the center bottom a “screw without end” (Godoi’s exact words).
The craft started to move and climbed up silently at high speed with an eerie bluish-red or violet
glow at the periphery.

Shortly after the report was made, Godoi was examined by several psychiatrists in Såo
Paulo who concluded that he showed no signs of neurosis or psychosis. The case is still listed
as “unknown” in Brazilian Air Force UFO files.
Toward the latter part of November, 1961, Cavalheiro Mendes arrived at the beach of
Pinhal, about one hundred miles from Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, on business. A
retired member of the Porto Alegre police force, Mendes was a dealer in real estate and an agent
for people desiring vacation housing.

Late November, 1961:
On the night of his arrival, Mendes was alone in his small beach house. The night was very hot,
he couldn’t sleep and he was nudged by an unexplainable urge to go out and walk on the beach. He
continued his efforts to sleep but to no avail and he finally gave in to the urge and at 9:30, he left the
house and went toward the beach. Almost immediately after going outside, he saw a huge light which he
estimated to be about 900 feet away. He first thought the light was one used by fishermen, then became
aware of a strong desire to approach it and found himself walking in its direction.
As Mendes approached the light, he became aware that there was some kind of object resting on
the sand, and as he came closer, he realized it was a glowing disc-shaped thing. The strange feeling that
he had to keep going toward it increased as he drew nearer and then, he saw two figures which came out
from behind the craft.
Mendes could not see facial features too clearly because of the brilliance of the light coming from
the object behind the forms, but did note that they wore helmets similar to those worn by football players.
At this juncture, Mr. Mendes felt he should retreat. He was not panicked, not even afraid, he said
later, but the strangeness of the situation was unnerving. Then he began to get the impression that the
creatures were communicating with him: “Don’t resist because you can’t. It’s hopeless — if you doubt us
— try to move your body.” Mendes tried to move and found that he was like a statue, completely unable
to move.
The men came closer, and that was the last that Mendes recalled. His only memory is a
fragmentary one — that something was scratching the skin of his forearm with some kind of instrument.
When Mendes recovered his senses, he was almost at his beach house again. It seemed that he
had walked all the way back from the beach area where the craft had been without being aware of it. He
looked back to where the object had been, and it was dark. He then looked at the illuminated dial of his
watch. It was 11:30 p.m. Two hours had elapsed since he had walked out on the beach in response to
an unconquerable urge.

Cavalheiro Mendes kept his adventure and his doubts to himself for quite some time, but
after a few weeks, he began to realize that he was ill. Formerly a cool, calm individual, he now

showed signs of nervous instability. He felt depressed and anxious for no apparent reason and
had an increasing desire to be alone. After several months had gone by, he decided to confide in
someone, and because of the part the strange object had played in his remembered experience,
he contacted Captain F. V. Cardoso, a Brazilian Air Force officer (retired) and Lieutenant Colonel
W. C. Schneider of the Army. Both had had considerable experience investigating UFO reports.
After exhaustive interrogation, the two officers proposed that Mr. Mendes should be
interrogated under hypnosis, but he refused.
At this point, Fontes closed his files on the case. In the fall of 1966, after the disclosure of the Hill case in the United States, Fontes decided
to reopen the case and rallied his forces. Police Chief Maiolino of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do
Sul, has undertaken to convince Mendes that he should undergo hypnotic questioning in order to
solve the puzzle. It will be interesting to learn the results.
The man-shaped silver-suited beings were seen in June 1959, in Boinai, New Guinea, by a
Church of England priest, Reverend William Gill. The entities were on the top portion of an object
which hovered several hundred feet away from Father Gill and thirty-seven other witnesses. This
incident was thoroughly documented and presented in Mrs. Lorenzen’s book, Flying Saucers. It is
one report which bolsters the opinion of many that the UFO occupants are “friendly,” because the
“men” on the UFO responded to waves from the crowd on the ground. It is an argument but by no
means conclusive, for the occupants of that particular craft waved only in response — they did
not initiate the exchange of gestures and shortly lost interest and went back to what they had
been doing previously.
The cases discussed in this book seem to indicate that encounters with, or observations
of UFO occupants are confined to Europe and the Americas, but this is not necessarily so. The
Gill case at Boinai, New Guinea, is the only recorded observation of occupants in that area. It
happened to have been observed by Reverend Gill, an educated white man, and therefore
received attention. It seemed likely that other similar observations may have been made by
natives in other locations who attached little if any importance to their experiences and therefore
did not report them, or if they did report, little attention was paid to them because of their lack of
qualification as observers. The same situation could be quite true in Africa and other areas where
communication networks are not as advanced as those in Europe and the Americas.
As we have mentioned before, the landing and appearances of UFO occupants seem to
concentrate in isolated or rural areas. It is possible then that the landings in some countries
could take place and never be observed at all. Australia, for example, which has a good deal of
land space which is sparsely populated or populated almost entirely by aborigines, might have
experienced many landings which were never observed, or if observed, not reported. The landing
of one disc-shaped object near one already on the ground was supposedly witnessed by
aborigines in central Australia in 1951. According to the report, a small being in silvery suit and
helmet got out of the second disc and entered the first one, whereupon both craft took off. This
case is similar to the one in France in which two of the “pilots” were observed “trading” aircraft.
The Australian report was not widely publicized and it is doubtful that the Frenchman who
observed the two little men in 1954 could have known about the Australian landing.
Another consideration is the availability and location of investigators and reporters.
Landings could take place and receive local publicity but never come to the attention of UFO
chroniclers. Although APRO has managed to recruit a substantial international membership,
there are still many areas which are not adequately covered.

Some of the areas from which few if any reports emanate are those countries under
Communist rule. Occasionally, a report of a UFO may reach international press wires but it is
almost always followed by an official pronouncement that the saucers are merely psychological

tools of the imperialistic Americans or some such rot. One gets the definite impression that
Communist countries are having their problems with the elusive discs, and like their democratic
counterparts in the West, try to explain away the unexplainable.



Please remember we all have different opinions, Think Before You Speak or Write Something that is cruel to Others. After all, We are only Humans. Wishing you clear skies and wide eyes. To share your experiences or just leave a comment there is a area below. Read or listen.

We are the change the world has been waiting for!

Have you witnessed an unidentified flying object?

You are not alone. Whether you think UFOs are black projects, extraterrestrial craft, something else altogether, or just don’t know, again, you are not alone!

Unconditional love. The road we all get to walk. Unconditional love is like the sun.


Love and Regards,

Thank You,

Nancy Thames

Source: Coral and Jim Lorenzen

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