August 1914: Late one August evening in 1914, a man and woman, their three small children, and three young
American men crouched behind rocks and brush along the banks of Lake Ontario at Georgia Bay,
Canada, and watched a weird scene:
A strange globular craft, which appeared to be about 15 feet in diameter, rested on the surface of
the water about 450 feet from shore. On the square-shaped substructure at the water line were two small
men-like creatures who were busying themselves with a green “hose.” The little men worked quickly, and
seemed to be having some problem with kinks in the hose, by the way they manipulated it.

This incident was related in a letter received at APRO headquarters in late spring, 1966.
The writer, after reading several articles by Mrs. Lorenzen in Fate magazine, had decided to
confide his experience to someone who apparently would listen to such revelations with a
sympathetic ear.
Shortly after receiving the letter from the informant about the 1914 affair, we decided that a
close scrutiny of the writer would be in order and a qualified member of APRO in the San
Francisco area was asked to interview the man who had reported the incident.
At about 5 p.m. one of the children spotted a deer at the water line staring out over the lake,
apparently unaware of the humans nearby. When the girl glanced in the direction the deer was looking,
she saw an unusual craft resting on the water. She called her mother, who, when she saw it, called her
husband and the three young Americans.
William J. Kiehl (writer of the letter) says the air was very still, the water was unruffled and the
craft sat motionless in the water about 450 feet from shore. Its shape was that of a globe except that it
was slightly flattened on top and had some sort of a square substructure around the bottom.
Two “little fellows” were on this deck-like substructure, and appeared to be busy with a hose
which looked to be about two and a half inches in diameter. The hose was green and on the end of it was
a round object.
When Kiehl first noticed the “little men”, they were working vigorously with the lower part of the
hose, the other end of which came out of the globular structure above their heads. Their motion indicated
that they were taking the kinks out of the lower part or untangling it in some way.

Questions later put to Mr. Kiehl about the small men he observed yielded the following
They appeared to be four feet tall or under, were dressed in tight-fitting suits which revealed their
human shapes, and which appeared iridescent, for they were green or purple as they moved about in the
late afternoon sunlight. Each of the “men” wore a box-shaped or square yellow headpiece.
While the little men were concerning themselves with the hose, which appeared to be controlled by something in the upper part of the globular structure, three pipes or straight objects came out of the
top of the craft, along with the heads and shoulders of three other small creatures. These three began
doing something to the pipe-like protuberances. Kiehl could not discern what the three were doing, but
noted that while they, like the other three, were wearing square yellow headgear, their clothing — what
could be seen — was khaki-colored. He also noted that the size of the heads was large in comparison to
the diminutive bodies. Kiehl described the bodies as “skinny.”
When the trio of little men on top of the craft finished their task with the pipes, they turned and
seemed to look very piercingly at the deer which was watching them from the beach. The deer turned
and ran back into the woods. They seemed not to notice their human audience, as far as Kiehl was able
to tell.
The three topside “men” then disappeared into the craft and the pipes went down in the same
At this point, the creatures on the substructure had gotten the hose in through a square hatch
above them and about midpoint of the craft itself, and one started to get into the hatch. Kiehl could see
into the hatch and noted what seemed to him to be tiles set in the opposite wall which were bright green
in color.
Just as the first “little man” got into the hatch, the craft began to lift off the water. Water streamed
from the bottom of the craft and the remaining little man clung desperately to a chrome-like ring which
encircled the globular superstructure. The craft lifted straight up to an altitude of about fifteen feet and
Kiehl could see the underside which looked like a latticework of square metal, dull gray in color like the
rest of the craft, and which shed water.
Then the whole globe tipped back at a sharp angle and shot off into the sky at an angle of about
thirty to forty-five degrees. It left a short trail of vapor or steam which was only a few feet long, and the
object was quickly out of sight. It made no sound at any time which Kiehl could distinguish.
The last that William Kiehl saw of the craft, the little man who had been left clinging to the rail
around the middle of the globe was still holding on. Kiehl says he often wonders what happened to him.

APRO’s investigator asked Mr. Kiehl what was said about the incident by his companions
and Kiehl replied that they were all startled at the incident, but talked little about it afterward. For
one thing, there was a language problem. The Canadian family spoke only French and the young
college student was the only interpreter and his French apparently was not the best.
The machine was watched by the group of eight people for about ten minutes, affording
everyone a good look. The most startling thing about this particular incident is its resemblance to
another sighting which also took place in Canada, on July 2, 1950.

July 2, 1950:
A senior executive of the Steep Rock Iron Mines and his wife were on an outing at Sawtooth Bay
on Steep Rock Lake in Ontario. They had beached their boat on a sandy shore where there was plenty
of shade, had some tea and sandwiches, and sat back to relax.
Suddenly, a shock wave was felt — the air seemed to vibrate. The man thought it might have
been a dynamite blast but there had been no sound. The executive decided to investigate and climbed
up on a rock outcropping which protruded above the undergrowth.
Looking through a cleft in the rock, the observer saw a large shiny apparently metallic object
resting on the water about a quarter of a mile down the shoreline. He quickly scrambled back to his wife
and brought her back to the niche so that she could see the object too. It looked like two huge saucers stuck together, lip to lip. What appeared to be round black-edged
portholes were arranged around the circumference, where the “saucers joined.”
On the top of the bizarre craft what appeared to be hatch covers were open and the observers
saw about ten small figures moving about. Protruding from the top to about eight feet above the “deck”
was a hoop-shaped object which rotated slowly. When it appeared to be pointed at a location directly
opposite the two observers, it would stop and so would the “little men.” The man and his wife got the
distinct impression that the concentration was on their location and ducked behind the rock.
The hoop-like contraption seemed to be operated by one of the figures on a prominence directly
below it. This “being” had a bright red apparatus on its head while the rest of the figures on the
superstructure were wearing blue headpieces of some type.
The executive estimated that the size of the object was approximately 48 feet in diameter, using
the size of two trees on the opposite shore as points of reference, and that the little men, who had shiny
metal of some kind on their chests and dark clothing, were between three and a half and four feet tall. No
features were noticed, of course, because of the distance — about 1200 feet.
The two observers agreed that the tiny figures moved like automatons, did not turn as normal
beings do, but changed direction laboriously as though it was a difficult task, and turned their feet before
turning their bodies.
Two bright green hoses extended into the water, and during the sighting, a distinct humming
sound could be heard. The witnesses thought that water was being taken into the ship with one hose and
that it was being discharged back into the lake through the other.
Each time the rotating hoop pointed in their direction, the man and wife would duck behind their
rock shelter. The last time they ducked, when they stuck their heads out again, about twenty seconds
later, the figures and the hoop were missing, and the object began to rise from the surface of the water.
Where it had rested, the water was tinted red with a slight gold cast.
The object was estimated to be about 15 feet thick at its highest point and about 12 feet thick at
the edge. There was a rush of wind as it took off at about a 45-degree angle, whereupon it vanished
quickly into the sky.

In the Kiehl sighting, as in the Steep Rock case, a vivid green hose is involved, the craft is
resting on water, and the occupants of the craft seem sensitive to the presence of people or
animals. Deer are involved in both cases, also.
Kiehl was questioned closely by APRO’s investigator and by letters from APRO’s office,
but was firm in his assertion that the entities were not mechanical men, but rather were living
beings because of the way they moved about.
There can be no doubt that the craft in Kiehl’s story differs greatly from that in the Steep
Rock case. This is not surprising, however, for even if they did have the same origin, is it not
possible for the aircraft design to change radically in thirty-six years?
There is an explanation for the movements of the Steep Rock creatures which is logical
and even sensible. If the figures on that craft were living beings equipped with, for instance,
magnetic shoes, they would give the appearance of moving about clumsily and with great effort.
And if we extend our theorizing just a bit further, we come up with the possibility that, having lost one of the crew in a similar area during a water operation, better means of navigating on the possibly slippery surface of the craft might be adopted. Magnetic shoes? Kiehl was also questioned about the color of the water after the craft he had observed had left. He said he saw no difference from the rest of the water in the lake.
September 1954:
In September, 1954, a twelve-year-old boy, John Swain of Coldwater, Kansas, had observed a
peculiar little man in a plowed field on his father’s farm. At about 8 p.m., John was returning to the farm
on his father’s tractor when he spotted a tiny man no more than 20 feet away behind a field terrace. The
little creature appeared to have a very long nose and large ears and when he moved, he appeared to
“fly.” Young Swain watched spellbound as the little man “flew” over a small hill to a saucer-shaped object
hovering about five feet above the ground. “It opened up,” John stated, and the little creature “popped
inside,” the object lit up and took off at a fast rate of speed.
The sheriff was notified immediately after John got home and told his parents. The sheriff
suggested that they stay away from the area and the next day when he came to talk to John, he and the
boy and the Swains went to the scene of the landing where they found wedge-shaped tracks in the soft
dirt which did not appear to be made by a human. The boy was definite in his statement that the object
involved was hovering and not landed (though it might have landed before he arrived), but it is assumed
that the tracks were made by the “little man.” Public records of the sighting do not mention the size of the
tracks, however. John Swain’s estimate of the creature’s size would put it at about three and a half to
four feet in height — as he said, about the size of a five-year-old child.

Several important observations can be made at this time on the basis of the incidents we
have examined (see ENCOUNTERS WITH UFO OCCUPANTS — UFO Landing Traces):
In the Zamora, La Madera, Canyon Ferry, Nellis Air Force Base, and Gwinner, North Dakota
incidents, “gear impressions” were made. In three sightings, four wedge-shaped impressions
were present. In two of them, Nellis and Gwinner, three rounded impressions were made. This is
quite revealing when the terrain is considered:
At La Madera, Canyon Ferry and Socorro, the objects landed on rather hard, uneven
ground. The craft involved were egg- or torpedo-shaped. The position of the impressions
indicated self-leveling landing gear. In these three, also, the type of gear seems to be a sort which
would anchor the craft firmly into the earth — thus the rectangular, wedge-shaped impressions.
In the Nellis and Gwinner cases, we have testimony about “legs” as such in only one case
— that at Gwinner. However, besides the description of the craft itself, we note the similarity in
the shape and number of “landing feet.” Also, the terrain in both cases is quite soft — sand in the
Nellis incident, and a plowed field in the Gwinner landing. The rounded gear feet indicated by the
description of the impressions in the Nellis case, and the observational information from the
Rotenberger boy as well as the impressions observed by Goebel and others, point to a type of
gear which would give substantial support without digging into the soft earth and miring in.
In the Socorro incident, the depth of the impressions left indicated an object of several
tons which, if landing in sand or soft dirt, would have sunk deep into the ground. Therefore, it
seems this type of gear is not employed by craft landing on soft earth or sand. Thus it would
seem that the two craft have separate purposes, or at least the landing gear does.
These two instances are representative of many and it is interesting to note that the egg-
shaped craft employs four legs and gears whereas the disc-shaped craft uses only three.



Please remember we all have different opinions, Think Before You Speak or Write Something that is cruel to Others. After all, We are only Humans. Wishing you clear skies and wide eyes. To share your experiences or just leave a comment there is a area below. Read or listen.

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You are not alone. Whether you think UFOs are black projects, extraterrestrial craft, something else altogether, or just don’t know, again, you are not alone!

Unconditional love. The road we all get to walk. Unconditional love is like the sun.


Love and Regards,

Thank You,

Nancy Thames

Source:  Coral and Jim Lorenzen

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