Silver UFO Caught On Video With Very Clear Zoom In

Silver UFO Caught On Video With Very Clear Zoom In

That is what I’m calling the back end of the Silver UFO and guys this is stranger than I first thought when looking at it from the side.

As far as UFOs go, this is visually one of the more stranger looking as you definitely have a unique look.

On the side, wow it looks similar to what I would say a bottle? But looks are deceiving as on it’s other side it looks epic.

I mean the image above is spectacular and after seeing the back of it, it is not a bottle lol or a balloon come to think of it and definitely not a remote controlled miniature Jet.

It’s not the typical Flying Saucer look or the Orb UFO look and that’s what intrigued me?

It’s got it’s own vibe going on which is why I wanted to show this in a post.

The features on this vehicle make it look like a meteorite with it’s uneven lines and edges that aren’t in line or parallel to one another like “I suppose we’d expect” to see on most other UFOs?

That’s what I like about this, it’s probably (if it’s real) very functional as a UFO and instead of visually been stunning and correct, it’s actually saving space, weight and other only needed necessities for the mission type of contents and materials?

I’m just trying to rationalize the shape of this object which is clearly there and it’s very clear that it is not a balloon.

So who made it?

Is it Alien or is it man made?




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Love and Regards,

Thank You,

Nancy Thames

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