Pollen King: An ordinary Swedish dispatcher founded the successful company “Cernelle” receiving help from aliens

Pollen King: An ordinary Swedish dispatcher founded the successful company "Cernelle" receiving help from aliens 86


In 1946, Gösta Carlsson was 28 years old, he lived in Angelholm and worked as a railway dispatcher. On the evening of May 18, Josta went for a walk in the forest. Today this site is a nature reserve and home to many birds. Gösta was interested in both nature and birds, he had walked along these paths many times. But this evening something changed, suddenly the birds began to make a lot of sounds.

Gösta entered a clearing in the forest, which was very familiar to him, he had been here many times, but this time a surprise was waiting for him.

Between the trees, he saw what at first seemed to him like a carousel, which are at the carnival, it was some kind of round object, on whose surface lights were dancing. Intrigued by such a sight, Josta decided to approach the object.

When he approached the object, Josta saw that it was some kind of vessel, it was lenticular about 20-30 meters wide and 10 meters high.

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The ship landed and stood on two landing poles and a fin. There was a descent from the ship to the ground, and Gösta could see several creatures. They seemed to be doing repairs or inspecting the ship.

He later said that they were waiting for him, as if his whereabouts were known to them before he entered the clearing. One of the creatures raised a hand, turning to Gösta in a clear gesture of a demand to stop.

“Woman” with long hair

These creatures were vaguely similar to astronauts, he identified one of them as a woman and a glow emanated from her.

She looked like a man and had long hair. Josta saw that the woman was holding two objects in her hands and that she suddenly threw them into the forest near the meadow.

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This is what the alien looked like

Gösta could not believe what he saw, and ran to the nearest small lake to dip his head in the water – he thinks that maybe he is sleeping and should wake up.

When he descends to the lake, he can see how the UFO begins to take off. Red and white light comes from the ship when it rises silently above the treetops. Then he suddenly accelerated to incredible speed and disappears.

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Gösta suddenly recalls a woman from a ship who threw something into the forest near a clearing. Gösta begins to search for objects and finds them. Then he begins to return home.

When he returns home to his wife, she meets him with questions: “Where have you been?”.

It has been several hours since Gösta went on his walk. She also asks him, “What happened to your skin ?!”

Gösta’s skin was covered with some kind of weird fine gold powder and it turned out to be birch pollen. A strange encounter and pollen came to change Gösta’s life forever …

Business Idea with an Alien Origin

In the following nights after the meeting, Gösta began to dream or dream-like meditative states in which a woman from an alien ship began to communicate with him.

She explained that their ship was forced to land in a clearing due to a malfunction.

During these dream states, Gösta receives the idea from alien creatures. They showed him how nutrients can be extracted from pollen grains using complex chemistry.

This “recipe” given to him by aliens laid the foundation for his upcoming multi-million-dollar corporation.

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Gösta Carlsson

In the following years, Gösta buys all the books on biochemistry that he can find. He is not a scientist, so this sudden obsession with the creation of natural medical products from pollen amazes everyone in his environment and his passion is considered strange.

Launch of Cernelle

Gösta was convinced that refined pollen extracts would be of value in improving human health. In the late 40s and early 50s, he laid the foundation for his company Cernelle .

He and his team managed to become the first in the world to extract useful substances from pollen grains collected by the machine.

Extraction methods have been further improved for large-scale pollen extraction and for the production of medicinal pollen extracts – Cernitin, which are recognized worldwide today.

Gösta said that in the process, he was again helped during meditative states in a dream. Answers to difficult production tasks were given to him in a dream. Gösta was convinced that these decisions were not his own ideas.

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The method for extracting nutrients from pollen grains has been and remains innovative. There is an increased demand for Cernelles natural healthcare products and Josta has become a successful and wealthy entrepreneur.

With his own money, he financed the local hockey team Rögle BK. He built a new arena, hired coaches, bought NHL players and helped the small team gain fame and fortune.

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Gösta’s transformation from a simple train station dispatcher to an “industry leader” has been completed. In Sweden, he is nicknamed the “King of Pollen,” and his story is known to the general public. He never hid how he became a different person and how he came to success.

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It will be 25 years before Gösta Carlsson will go out in public and talk openly about his meeting with UFOs. He understood that people would think that he was crazy, that going out in public would probably negatively affect him, his family and his company.

He said that it was for this reason that he did not talk about it. But in 1971, he was convinced that he had to tell his real story. By then, he was a respected company leader, and his story sparked a media storm in Sweden.

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The fin on the bottom left of the UFO

Today, there is a monument on a scale of 1: 8 of a disk-shaped aircraft and concrete castings that were made of prints left by landing bearings and a “fin” at the landing site.

Old pine trees used to grow on the edge of the meadow, some of them with charred trunks from the heat of the engines of an alien ship. Today, such damage on the trees is almost invisible.

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On the ground around a small monument, the traces left by UFOs on the ground were later filled with concrete.

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In this 1963 photograph, the rings were still visible from the air (this was before they were reinforced with concrete)

Alien Items

What about items thrown by the woman from the alien ship that Josta found that night in the forest?

Gösta basically kept them secret and showed them only to the chosen ones. During the UFO conference in Angelholm in 1996, these objects were put on public display – behind the reinforced glass and under the protection of guards, it was possible to inspect the objects.

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A gold ring and some kind of cube made of transparent material with inscriptions. However, in the early drawings of Josta on the transparent block there were no inscriptions. Judging by the quality of the inscriptions, they were probably made by Joost later.

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Items abandoned in the clearing by an alien

After this, Gösta again hid the objects. Gösta Carlsson died in 2003, and the whereabouts of these items is unknown. It is assumed that his daughter owns them.

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You are not alone. Whether you think UFOs are black projects, extraterrestrial craft, something else altogether, or just don’t know, again: you are not alone!

Unconditional love. The road we all get to walk. Unconditional love is like the sun.


Love and Regards,

Happy Quarantine

Thank You,

Nancy Thames

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