The UFO Enities in the United States

The next is the most spectacular report we have examined, and although APRO has not
completed its investigation, sufficient work has been done so that we feel it is an authentic
incident and important to any documentation of “occupant” incidents.

September 4, 1964:
On the Labor Day weekend of 1964, three men from the Sacramento area of California drove into
the mountains near Cisco Grove (not far from Truckee) to do some bow-hunting. The bow-hunting
season, which precedes the usual deer season, had just commenced. On the afternoon of September 4,
the three men were hunting a ridge some distance from their camp. As dusk approached, they were
separated from each other. Our principal, Mr. S., was to proceed along the ridge and approach camp
from a certain area. When he reached the end of the ridge, he found that it ended in a sheer drop to the
canyon below and he realized he would have to retrace his path and find another way to get to camp. He
started back, in the dusk, and came into a canyon with a granite outcropping, few trees, and sparse
brush. At this point, he heard what he thought was a bear by the crashing sounds it made, and took
refuge in a tree. Shortly, confident that the bear had gone, he got down and built three small signal fires
hoping to attract the attention of rangers, not knowing they had left the area already.
Then S. saw a light below the horizon and thought it was a lantern and that his friends were
looking for him. But when the light darted up and over a tree, he realized it wasn’t a lantern and thought
perhaps a search and rescue helicopter was coming. When the light came in his direction, then stopped,
and hovered motionless without any sound, he realized this was something out of the ordinary and went
back up into the tree.
This tree is important to the story. It is 25 to 30 feet high, big enough at the base so that it cannot
be circled by a man’s arms, completely branchless up to 12 feet, with sparse but sturdy limbs above it. S.
climbed to the 12-foot mark and stayed there for a time.
The light S. had seen appeared to be 8 to 10 inches in diameter, and white. It appeared to be
accompanied by two or three other objects which stayed at a regulated distance from it. Remember at
this point that it was dark with a moon rising, but nevertheless this canyon is partly shaded from the
moon’s light. Shapes and things were therefore indistinct. The light then circled around S.’s tree, a flash
was seen, and a dark object fell to the ground. Then he noticed a “dome-shaped affair” 400 to 500 yards
away, apparently on or near the ground.

Noises like someone moving in the brush attracted S.’s attention, and he saw a figure emerge
from a patch of manzanita brush. The creature seemed to be examining the manzanita. Then, from a
slightly different direction, another figure approached and the two came toward the tree in which S.
perched, stood at the base, and looked at him. He occasionally heard a “cooing” or “hooting” noise to
which the two always reacted, but doesn’t know if the sound came from them or an owl in the area. The
reaction from the entities might have simply been curiosity about the noise. The only other noise he
heard during the night was the sound of movement in the brush, and once he heard the sound of a
At this point, a third figure came from the direction of the dome — it seemed to move in a different
manner than the first two, making more noise, seemed to run into bushes, going over or through them
rather than around, as the others did. The descriptions of these three figures are:

Numbers one and two were about 5 feet 5 inches, S.’s best estimate. They were clothed in a
silvery-grey material with a covering that went up over the head straight from the shoulders. No facial
features were visible at any time. The third “entity” was grey, dark grey, or black. It, too, had no
discernible neck, but two reddish-orange “eyes” glowed and flickered where the “head” would be. It had a
“mouth” which, when it opened, seemed to “drop” open, making a rectangular hole in the “face.” The
mouth extended completely across the “face” area.
S. saw figures number one and two more clearly than the other, for they came in from an area
bathed in moonlight. Figure number three came in on the shadowed side of the canyon. Its eyes
appeared to be about 3 inches in diameter.
The first two figures attempted to get to S. by boosting one another up the tree, but apparently did
not know how to climb a tree. The third entity (which S. calls a “robot”) seemed to be just watching and
waiting, near the base of the tree. Then the nightmare began.
S. readily admits he was badly frightened. He realized the object on the hill must have been a
“flying saucer” although he knew little about them except from newspaper accounts. Throughout the
night, the robot tried to gas him with smoke which issued from its mouth while the other two looked on, or
tried to climb the tree. S. climbed higher, belted himself to the trunk (the section where he finally settled
was 4 inches in diameter) and began lighting pieces of his clothing and throwing it at them. First, he lit his
cap, which flared up brightly (probably due to hair dressing which is quite oily), and threw it down. The
two figures backed up and away from the tree. Then the robot opened its mouth, S. saw a puff of white
smoke or gas, and seconds later, he became light-headed, then lost consciousness. Each time this
happened, he would awaken, probably only seconds later, sick and retching. He would then light another
piece of his clothing or throw something at them to try to discourage them. He succeeded in starting
several small fires on the ground, hoping to attract attention from someone, or to discourage his
tormentors. Altogether, he tore apart his camouflaged oversuit, his jacket, and his cap.
Before he began setting fires, S. shot three arrows at what he thought was the chest section of
the robot. When the arrows hit, they struck a spark as they made contact with the robot, suggesting that
it was made of metal, and succeeded in knocking the robot away two or three feet. Occasionally, the
robot would get downwind before releasing the gas, which S. said he never saw after it left the robot’s
S. threw his canteen down, which one of the silver-suited entities picked up and both of them
examined. All in all, he threw his bow, his canteen, and a pocketful of silver coins, besides bits of burning
clothing and paper.
Finally, at about dawn when the east was just starting to get pinkish with the first light of the sun,
the two “men” figures stood back from the tree, another robot joined the first and they stood facing each
other at the base of the tree. Suddenly, sparks and a glow filled the area between their chests, and a
cloud of the gas issued from them. This time, S. did not know for certain where the gas came from. He
blacked out and when he came to, they were gone. He was extremely nauseated, and was hanging, limp
and exhausted, his head and legs and arms dangling. He feels they left him for dead. He was bitterly
cold from exposure, having only his T-shirt, levis, underclothing, socks, and boots left. He waited a while,
got down, and looked around.
S. said he got another scare when he spotted smoke issuing from near a rock, but found it was
only the smoke residue from one of the fires he had started during the night. He tried to orient himself,
then started for camp. Finally, sick and frightened and exhausted from his ordeal and the cold, he lay
down. He then heard one of his friends whistling, got up and the two located each other, then went back
to camp.
When S. arrived at camp, he found that one of the other men had nearly gotten lost, but had been
close enough to camp to see the lantern and get there safely. The other man had apparently seen the

craft, for he told about the bright, glowing large light which slowly came down, the evening before. S. told
his friends about his experience, and they believed him, not only because they knew him, but because of
the light seen by one of them.

We learned about this particular incident quite by chance through rumors in the
Sacramento area, and notified Dr. James Harder, one of APRO’s advisers. Dr. Harder contacted
S., taped an interview, and after hearing the tape, we felt it was worth further investigation.
During the course of the investigation and S.’s questioning, we found some interesting
facts: S. reported his experience to Air Force personnel who suggested that he may have been
the unhappy subject of a prank by teenagers or local Japanese people (?). They did not seem to
take his account seriously.
_________ Dr. George Wald, professor of biology at Harvard University, was quoted in the New York Times,
November 13, 1960, concerning the elements of life. He stated that life existing elsewhere in the
universe is likely to be the same as life on earth. Living organisms everywhere would be constructed
primarily of the same four elements: carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen, not because of their
abundance but because of their appropriate qualities. Wald said that it was doubtful that life could arise
apart from water or go very far without oxygen, nor could it thrive without access to radiation, and
specifically in the wavelength range of 300 – 1100 microns which excites molecules electronically and so
activates photochemical reactions.
There are certain advantages in the specific physical attributes of man. It is most advantageous
for man to walk upright, have three-dimensional vision, his mouth, nose, eyes, and ears a considerable
distance from the ground. An opposing thumb for grasping is important as is the arrangement of certain
organs such as the anus which is located in a very convenient position considering where its contents
ultimately are deposited.
The brain mass and posture of man set him apart from other animals who generally have the
same number and type of organs.
In other words, man, considered only from the standpoint of the success of his evolutionary trend,
is quite a successful “experiment.”
Does it follow, then, that life elsewhere would be likely to follow the same general trend? The
observable physical universe certainly demonstrates some order — stars are made up of the same
general combination of elements and many have planets which in turn have satellites, indicating that the
structure of our solar system is not necessarily unique.



Please remember we all have different opinions, Think Before You Speak or Write Something that is cruel to Others. After all, We are only Humans. Wishing you clear skies and wide eyes. To share your experiences or just leave a comment there is a area below. Read or listen.

We are the change the world has been waiting for!

Have you witnessed an unidentified flying object?

You are not alone. Whether you think UFOs are black projects, extraterrestrial craft, something else altogether, or just don’t know, again, you are not alone!

Unconditional love. The road we all get to walk. Unconditional love is like the sun.


Love and Regards,

Thank You,

Nancy Thames

Source:  Coral and Jim Lorenzen

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