Encrypted messages left from Boy Abducted By Extraterrestrials

Apr 6, 2017

A young psychology student named Bruno Borges was last seen at his home in the Brazilian city of Rio Branco on March 27. It could be a case of ordinary disappearance but for the amount of mysteries and secrets found in his room.(Brazilian boy disappears mysteriously)

Brazilian boy disappears mysteriously

Instead of the furniture, in his room they found numerous encrypted manuscripts, hidden symbols, drawings with geometric shapes and a statue of the philosopher Giordano Bruno. The mysterious messages left on the walls and on the floor occupy almost all space.

In addition, Borges left 14 books written in a codified language and identified by Roman numerals. As he confessed to his mother one day, the books he was working on would bring good changes for humanity. Thanks to a key left by Bruno to decipher his cryptic messages, his brothers managed to translate some things, like the title of one of the books, ‘The theory of the absorption of knowledge’, reports Globo.

Brazilian boy disappears mysteriously

Although it seems incredible, all this went unnoticed for his family, since Bruno locked himself in his room while his parents were traveling. Relatives knew that he was working on a project about which the young man always refused to speak or give more details, but they would never imagine anything like what they saw when they opened the room.(Brazilian boy disappears mysteriously)

His mother, a well-known psychologist named Denise Borges, told Globo that his son “has a great intellectual capacity” and is “very fond of Giordano [Bruno].” The woman added that she does not suffer from psychological problems. A statue of the sixteenth-century philosopher, known for his cosmological theories, found in the middle of the young Brazilian’s room would be estimated at about 2,000 euros.

When this strange case was made public, several users of social networks have pointed to the physical similarity between the disappeared and the famous Italian philosopher.

Police consider all versions of the young man’s disappearance, but the case was classified as confidential. His family claims that Bruno, who even wanted to patent his work, might have decided to disappear to devote himself to his philosophical theories.

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