Coronavirus is a Template for Disclosure

We are Out There
We are Out There

A couple weeks ago my Son’s families and myself began  Social Distancing.  We started by avoiding crowds and working from home.  Some events were canceled.  This soon turned into Shelter in Place.  Shelter in Place is not much different from Social Distancing, as we are practicing it.  They both result in staying home.

It is sort of like the difference between LA hipsters and Brooklyn hipsters.  They both result in mysterious haircuts and ironic hats.  Fortunately, this gives people on both coasts a convenient way to measure the proper distance we should maintain from each other.  When one of them trips and falls from walking while looking at his cell phone, the distance from the heels of his boots to the top of his funny hat is the same distance you should stay away from someone.
Can you kill the Coronavirus with soup?
I’m OK
I still go out when I need to wearing a mask.  If  You don’t  keep your kids busy they will play on their computers all day.  I wonder where they get that from…
Today I will discuss:
  • Why government will not tell us about aliens
  • Would Disclosure create panic?
  • Can you kill Coronavirus with soup?

Can You Kill Coronavirus with Soup?

On the rare occasion I do need to go out beyond the brick walls surrounding my home I wear a mask.  It is a surgical mask but mask for painters or other tradesmen, to filter out toxic fumes might  be ok to use.  I do not know if this is good protection so look on CDC and see what their advice is.
Going on feel can work when you have an education and a reasonable amount of intelligence.  Unfortunately, not everyone making gut decisions fits that description.  I read on Twitter, the other day, that if you drink a lot of water you can push the virus down into your stomach.  Then if you eat a lot of hot soup you can kill coronavirus with soup.  Can you kill Coronavirus with soup?  Is that not what everyone’s grandmother has always said?
In reality, that is not how viruses work.  Chicken soup has been said to help shorten the duration and severity of a cold.  However, just putting a hot liquid in your stomach will not kill anything, other than maybe your social life if the soup is loaded with garlic.  But then, who has a social life, these days?
These cures being circulated online are just people making things up.  It is like when the ancient Greeks said the sun is carried across the sky in the sun god’s chariot.  They did not know anything about science, so they made stuff up.  This same type of thinking is also why we have Flat Earthers and Climate Change Deniers.

Why Government will not tell us about Aliens

Riding this same misinformation train, recently memes have begun circulating on social media referencing the hoarding of supplies like toilet paper.  The memes say something to the effect of this is why government will not tell us about aliens.  In other words, “the government” (whoever that is) knows aliens are here and they are keeping it a secret and the reason is because they do not want to create a panic.

Why Government will not tell us about Aliens
There may be some truth to this.  For some people, the value of the stock market is greater than the value for human life.  But I disagree, on the whole.  Would Disclosure create panic?  Perhaps.  But if the panic simply results in people hoarding toilet paper I think we will survive it.
I should note, I am not a conspiracy theorist.  I do not believe there is a massive cover-up by the US government anymore. I have always wondered why no one in government was interested in hearing UFO stories from servicemen. But I have chalked this up to individual people being afraid to stick their necks out and risk ridicule.  That was what happened to me.  This pattern has been repeated in the stories of countless other witnesses, especially those who were in uniform.
 The reason I am discussing Disclosure, despite my belief that there is not a big cover-up anymore is because many readers do believe there is more than meets the eye.  So, for those who believe and who are looking for answers, these are my thoughts.
Disclosure would not create as big a panic as the Coronavirus has.  The reason is because the simple act of telling the world that we are being visited by aliens does not carry with it an immediate threat.  Coronavirus is an immediate threat.  You go to work or school, one person there has the virus, everyone catches it, grandma brings you some chicken soup, and bam!  You just killed grandma with your cold.
Now all your cousins are mad at you.  They give you the stink-eye at the funeral.  You never receive an invitation to the next family reunion.  Things get awkward.
Knowledge of aliens will not do that.  Knowing for sure that aliens visit, from time to time, may create some short-term panic buying.  It may create some self-imposed Shelter in Place.  But soon, people will resume their daily lives.  There is no imminent threat from knowledge of aliens, that we know of.  Life would go on.

What if there was a threat? What if the reason for suddenly telling the public about aliens would cause a greater stir than simply letting people know we have been visited.  This announcement would need to be coupled with a plan of action, mobilizing the masses to erect a defense.  For many, this would be too much to handle all at once.  You do not go from believing aliens do not exist to preparing to battle them.  Disclosing information like that should not be handled like the big reveal at the end of a Scooby Doo cartoon.  People would be distraught.  We need to take baby steps. Plus keep in mind they would have already taken over or destroyed us. I find them Benevolent and caring.

Old Comics
Old Comics
Alien Parking
Alien Parking
Would Disclosure Create Panic?

Coronavirus is a Template for Disclosure

Kids move on quickly with simple responses.  Adults, not so much.  If Disclosure occurred it would be easy for me to tell my kids, “Yup, there’s aliens now.  Whose day is it to feed the dog?”  And life goes on.  But for many adults, Disclosure would be mind-blowing.  They would not be satisfied with simple responses.  They would want answers.  It would be hard to accept.
Whether aliens are here for peaceful purposes or not, it is incumbent upon governments of the world to disclose what they know, now.  Perhaps not every bit of knowledge should be released on Day One.  It should unfold the same way news of the COVID-19 pandemic was revealed, little by little.  If there is some bad news, this may be too much for some people to handle.  A trickle of information may be better.  We can take baby steps and build up to the reason this information is being kept from us.  But it needs to begin immediately and should conclude within a year’s time.
Love and Regards,
Thank You,
Nancy Thames

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