US Air Force Base Contains a Vast Complex With Extraterrestrials

TOP Secret US Air Force Base Contains a Vast Complex With Aliens, Former Worker Claims

Raymond Szymanski is a retired Air Force Engineer, who worked at the Ohio Base for 39 years.

He claims that the UFOs and aliens from the outrageous 1947 Roswell incident were brought to the Wright — Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio so they are examined and kept in obscure covered passageways.

The Roswell incident is one of the most controversial theories in the history of UFOs. On 8 July, Roswell Army Air Field disclosed that they found a “flying disc” crashed in the New Mexico desert. The next day they took back their statement and said it was only a damaged US Air Force balloon. In an interview right after that, a police officer insisted he saw soldiers taking away a creature from the area of the crash.

Raymond Szymanski, an extraterrestrial researcher, itemized the full range of alien activity at the base in his book called “50 Shades of Greys”.

He is the first scientist who ever spoke sincere and candid about the mysteries happening in the base regarding the alien conspiracy.

Szymanski also said that his mentor, while showing him the base, asked him if he ever heard about their aliens who live or remain deceased in a system of tunnels and depositories inside the base.

During his first week of work, his mentor gave him a surprising and unasked contemplative advice. Confused, Szymanski asked how he came to know about the alien secret, but it seemed that everyone who worked on base knew it.

Astonished by being one of the few people who knew the secret, Szymanski begins to research into the secret UFO and alien activity in the base.

He found out that the Foreign Technology Division on the base housed Project Blue Book — the official UFO investigation project by the Air Force held from 1952 — 1969.

In the next forty years of work, he had open conversations about the secret that was going on there and he found almost everything about it only in his first week.

He documented texts and photographs and appeared to him all the stories are true because nobody ever denied them.

The engineer thinks that the advanced climate-controlled accommodation chambers were built by the base to protect the litter, alien technology artifacts and corpses recovered from the accident.

Szymanski saw all the tunnels and secret passages where the aliens (or “grays”) were supposed to be held but he never saw a truly existing alien. However, he claims to have seen real — life “Man in Black” type of people on the Dayton base. He believed their job was to abduct proofs for the government’s agencies.

Aside from the tunnels, Szymanski applies that there are likely four burial places where aliens have been buried. He has pictures one of the places in his book where he says that it’s attainable that a 4 ft tall alien grey has been put into place to rest in a vertical position, unlike the human beings.

Szymanski also implies that the bodies of eight aliens are buried beneath a car park next to the Foreign Technologies Division for UFO Reverse Engineering.

The Roswell incident has intriguing effects on the public, especially the UFO fanatics and conspiracy theorists because of the same fact that the base primarily said they found a flying saucer and not an old balloon.

Szymanski admits that his theories might sound impossible but his only purpose is to document his research and let the people make up their opinion personally themselves.

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Nancy Thames

Source Aliens Conspiracy Mystery

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