Time To Come Clean~Times A Tickin’~Powerful Eclipses Coming !

7 hour plus Workshop coming up! You have ability to replay afterwards and it comes with a sliding scale! Weekend of 6th and 7th of June. This is hosted by Portal to Ascension.

This will cover so much — and help remind us of who we are and what we are made of, as far as our DNA, our Galactic History and how to navigate these critical times and amplify a Timeline of Human Sovereignty free from Tyranny!

More than a decade of research — 10 years of public speaking events and doing sessions as an Astrologer and a Mission I was aware of since a child, I plan on bringing you a full and comprehensive picture !

It is time to amplify as much as possible — the theft of our true history, our origins and how we got to where we are today, must be revealed and we need to talk about this and become more greatly acquainted.

It is to take what resonates and leave the rest, to inspire a person to do their own research and to create an activation. We do a lot of rabbit holes in learning about corruption and crimes against humanity, we must get more familiar with the missing links and pieces that will help us to Transform the World.
This will be around Eclipse time and the Eclipse window — which is good timing!

I love hearing what Laura has to say, she has a big Heart and a lot of knowledge to share with us. I would have to say she take’s after her Grandfather President Eisenhower. During his Fair well address. He warned us OF the corrupt Elite that have power over the Military,and  some parts of the Government,Media, and Many other things.

Unconditional love. The road we all get to walk. Unconditional love is like the sun.

WE ARE THE DISCLOSURE !!! ~~~ WE HAVE NEVER BEEN ALONE!!! This a great topic to listen to. Hope You Enjoy ! Go Q !!!


We are the change the world has been waiting for!

Love and Regards, Happy Quarantine !

Thank You,

Nancy Thames




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