By Sean Casteel

Spectral Vision

Alien sex Screw front cover #4

This article could easily be titled “Sex Among The Stars” or “How ET Wishes To Mate With You!” For whether it’s the greys, the insectoids, the Dero of subterranean legend, the reptilians or the handsome Nordic space brothers, the term “close encounters” takes on a whole new meaning. Close is close, but this is really as close as you can possibly get – even to the point of molestation in all its various forms.

· Are you ready to explore a region of the paranormal that is typically relegated to the “ghetto” neighborhood of UFO research? Does the idea of sex with aliens thrill you or repel you? Reading the latest book from Global Communications/Inner Light, called “Screwed By The Aliens,” will help you make up your mind.

· If the subject is new to you, you will likely be surprised to learn how commonplace sexual incidents onboard the ships and among the aliens truly are. It’s a frequent happenstance but is rarely talked about, even among diehard believers in alien abduction.

· Some researchers have long defined the involuntary nature of alien abduction, with its many invasive and painful elements, as a form of “rape” – whether or not sex takes place during the given encounter experience. But, as “Screwed By The Aliens” demonstrates, there are numerous cases where physical sex between humans and aliens DOES take place.

· Case studies from the files of various researchers show a cross-section of responses to the alien sexual encounter. Some experiencers say that sex with aliens is much more pleasurable than anything offered by a human lover while others recall the traumatizing nightmare of being physically powerless and endure a never-ending sense of personal violation.


Mars Attacks card alien sex cinema

The topic of ETs and their sexual mores has spawned a wide variety of counterculture products – like punk rock groups such as Alien Sex Fiends and even comic books and trading cards.

After more than half a century spent covering UFOs and their related phenomena, journalist, editor and publisher Timothy Green Beckley encountered a new word, one not quite ready to be added when the Webster’s Dictionary’s routinely updates recent additions to the English language.

The word Beckley discovered is “exophiliac,” and you may be surprised to learn that it means “a person who craves sex with aliens.”

If, on the other hand, you shy away from the aliens and want them to keep their hands to themselves, you are a bit harder to classify, Beckley explains. “Astrophobia” is a fear of outer space and everything in it, so that would include ETs. Xenophobia is a fear of anyone from another place, often defined as a “fear of foreigners.”

“Perhaps we can create our own verbiage to describe this fear,” Beckley ventures. “Something like Exophobic perhaps? As I see it, if it’s good for you, it works for me.”


“Exophiliac” and the other similar words turned up when Beckley and his team of writers were researching their latest book, “Screwed By The Aliens: True Sexual Encounters With ETs.”

The book includes contributions from myself (in the interest of full disclosure) as well as 17 other researchers and authors. Some of the biggest names in the field are represented here, to include John Keel and Brad Steiger, both of whom are deceased but whose pioneering work in going beyond the “nuts-and-bolts” school of UFOlogy continues to influence the field in many ways. By employing multiple authors for the book, Beckley is able to provide numerous perspectives on the issue of sexual contact that run the gamut from extremely hostile accusations of rape to more benign beliefs, like a benevolent hybrid breeding program that will ultimately save mankind from total extinction.

The notion that alien contact often includes a sexual component is not exactly a new one. But it has been relegated, for the most part, to a seldom-acknowledged, embarrassing “ghetto” neighborhood of Ufology that most researchers prefer to simply ignore. It is Beckley’s intention to confront the sexual issue head on, from many points of view, and as honestly as the data allows.


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Brazilian farmer (who later became a well-established lawyer) Antonio Villas Boas was the first to receive attention for a sexual encounter after his experience onboard a UFO with a female alien who had intercourse with him.

If you accept the notion that the modern UFO era began with the Kenneth Arnold sighting in 1947, then you should also allow for the first known and recorded sexual abduction case as having happened ten years later. In October of 1957, a 23-year-old Brazilian farmer named Antonio Villas Boas was taken from his tractor to what he thought at first was a shining star descending to Earth. In his terror, he tried to flee on foot but was forcibly taken onboard an alien spacecraft.

There Boas was stripped naked and a sample of his blood was taken. A nude woman entered the room where he was being held. She began to caress him, ultimately seducing him. After Boas and the female had intercourse together, two of the “crewmen” appeared and summoned the woman away. Before leaving, she turned to the farmer and pointed at her belly, then pointed at him, and finally at the heavens.

“After having served as breeding stock,” writes author Scott Corrales in a chapter in the new book, “Antonio was unceremoniously led off the vehicle, which took off immediately.”

Though it was widely ridiculed in its day, the Antonio Villas Boas case is, pardon the expression, a “seminal” one in the history of alien abduction, especially abductions that have a sexual element. The crucial story is covered by Corrales and a few of the other contributors to “Screwed By The Aliens,” allowing the incident to be seen from the varying perspectives of the assortment of writers Beckley has gathered.


sex david huggins alien women and the giant insect

Artist David Huggins insists he has mated with Crescent, a female alien, since the age of 17, and has produced a number of alien children. A movie “Love and Saucers” can be found streaming on Amazon and elsewhere.

By contrast, a longtime acquaintance of Beckley’s, the artist David Huggins, describes a much different sort of relationship with a pretty female alien. Huggins is quite open in calling the interstellar lover named Crescent his “soul mate.”

In an interview conducted for the podcast “Exploring the Bizarre,” which Beckley co-hosts with writer Tim R. Swartz, Huggins was asked: “Isn’t it true that you consider your relationship with Crescent to be a beautiful relationship that has blossomed into an interspecies romance that has lasted for decades and has resulted in Crescent bearing your children?”

“That would be an accurate description of the ongoing experience,” Huggins replied.

Along with filling many canvases that depict his amorous adventures with Crescent, Huggins has also done a movie called “Love and Saucers” that tells their story on film. The movie is available for VOD streaming on iTunes, Amazon, Vimeo, Google Play and YouTube. It’s a fascinating reversal of the more frequently encountered horrifying atrocities of sex-related UFO experiences and may truly be a case of “Love Triumphant.”


In popular culture, one of the of the best known alien/sexual story elements is the “anal probe,” which began as a tortured admission by “Communion” author Whitley Strieber when he described being rectally penetrated by some kind of alien device whose purpose was unknown to him. A doctor who examined Strieber afterwards told him that the tissue damage in his rectal area indicated that the author had obviously been “raped.” When Strieber included the anal rape episode in “Communion,” as well as in the 1989 movie version of his bestseller, it quickly became a cultural giggle and heaped even more ridicule on an already deeply humiliated Strieber.

“Screwed By The Aliens” features a chapter that chronicles the progress of the “anal probe” meme and its use by, for example, the “South Park” cartoon series on Comedy Central. In an interview I did with Strieber nearly 30 years ago, he told me that he regretted going public with his anal probe experience but felt that he owed it to his readership to be honest about it. Contrary to popular opinion, he felt he was being “compulsively honest” as opposed to being a “compulsive liar.”


The late Dr. Karla Turner was an outspoken advocate of “human rights” for those abducted by aliens. She and her family had all suffered the alien abduction experience and she devoted the rest of her life to researching the phenomenon that had so profoundly changed her perception of reality. She eventually wrote three books on the subject that are now considered classics, “Into the Fringe,” “Taken” and “Masquerade of Angels.”

According to another late abduction researcher, Budd Hopkins, the simple fact that alien abduction is an involuntary experience, that a person is “taken” without the person’s permission, forces one to define the experience as a form of “rape.”

But what Turner was talking about went way beyond a sort of “metaphorical” rape; she was instead accusing the aliens of the literal and physical sexual violation of their powerless human victims. Turner claimed deception was often used by the aliens to make the abductee a willing sexual partner. The alien might take the form of an abductee’s spouse or disguise itself as a celebrity that the abductee was known to find attractive. The perversions involved are also quite disturbing to read about, such as alien pedophilia and their forcing abductees to have bestial sex with animals. Anyone who reads these accounts, if the stories are to be taken at face value, would quite naturally feel morally outraged, disgusted and angry.

But Turner herself cautions the reader that claims of this nature, usually made by abductees who undergo regressive hypnosis to recover memories from within an alien-imposed amnesia, have to be weighed very carefully before one leaps to any easy conclusions. The strangeness and the high drama could have numerous possible causes and the simple gratification of alien prurient desires is but one possibility among many.


sex alien art wes crum

Artist Wes Crum depicts how some aliens have abducted humans – in many cases women for nefarious purposes.

Yet Turner certainly had her allies in the field. The late Barbara Bartholic, an Oklahoma-based researcher, joined Turner’s team and did much of the hypnotic regression work for Turner’s investigation into alien sexual abuse. A hypnotic regression session with abductee Ted Rice conducted by Bartholic is included in “Screwed By The Aliens” in which Rice relives a sexual encounter involving intercourse between his then-living grandmother and his deceased grandfather. An alien took the form of his late grandfather in order to seduce his unwilling grandmother into sexual congress. As I said, it’s often very disturbing stuff.

You may have noticed reading this article that a great many of the experts quoted in the new book are now deceased. In the cases of Turner (who died of cancer in 1996) and Bartholic (who died of a stroke in 2010), people who followed their work and agreed with their estimation of the situation believe the two women were taken before their time by a hostile alien presence that didn’t want any opposition to its evil agenda – that they were simply murdered because of their anti-alien beliefs.

If that is the case, then it hasn’t stopped Eve Lorgen, another abduction researcher, from openly declaring her determination to follow in the footsteps of Turner and Bartholic and uncover the truth about alien sexual and psychological manipulations. Lorgen is the author of “The Love Bite: Alien Interference in Human Love Relationships,” which defines the love bite as a kind of “psychic rape” in which the abducted victim is led to bond with a targeted love partner chosen by the alien beings. A great many tortuous emotions are often part of the mix as lovers struggle to cope with sexual and romantic feelings that are not their “own.”

Portions of an interview I conducted with Lorgen about “The Love Bite” are combined with case studies taken from her files. Strangely, some of the women who spoke to Lorgen have said that sex with an alien entity is the most pleasurable they’ve ever experienced, that the erotic thrills go way beyond what happens with a human partner. That’s one reason that overcoming the effects of alien sexual manipulation is often a very difficult process and requires an extraordinary degree of emotional strength. But Lorgen’s case studies demonstrate that liberating one’s self from this bizarre form of bondage can be done.


sex aliens - sexy alien races

Podcasts such as our “Exploring the Bizarre” have been outspoken on the topic of sex with aliens.

Then there are the academics and their research. Dr. Michael Grosso, who has taught humanities and philosophy at several universities, contributes a chapter on the overt symbolism and hidden meanings of the sexual and reproductive stories that abductees tell. Grosso struggles with how such a technologically advanced civilization would need human help at all in strengthening their gene pool, but says the overarching metaphor is still one of alien sickness seeking a human healing. He also wonders if the alien hybrids being produced could be of some advantage to humanity as opposed to serving only the needs of the aliens.

Another academic professional joining the ranks of Beckley’s authors is Dr. Greg Little, who holds a doctorate in counseling and educational psychology and provides a fascinating account of demonic bedroom visitors as recorded down through the ages. He is referring, of course, to the female succubus and the male incubus, demons said to visit human victims of the opposite sex as they lay sleeping for the purpose of taking sexual pleasure as well as for the harvesting of sperm and ova.

This scenario, popularized in the religious lore of medieval Europe, so completely duplicates what alien abductees have to say about the sexual aspects of close encounters that it is impossible make any meaningful distinction between the two. There is also a direct link here to the sixth chapter of Genesis, in which angels – or the sons of God – feel compelled to come down from heaven for the purpose of having sex with human females and as a result beget a race of giants who come to be highly regarded on Earth.


The notion of alien-induced pregnancy is given thorough coverage by the aforementioned Brad Steiger as well as in the gripping account of Christa Tilton, who reveals to Beckley the details of being used as a surrogate mother by the aliens. Meanwhile, William Kern offers new theories on the use of DNA and other genetics-related elements of alien abduction, focusing on the parallel nature of reptilian reproduction as we know it on Earth. To bring it all home, Kern also shares an interesting encounter of his own with a possible alien female.


Peter Khoury, whose bizarre experience with two female beings led to an amazing DNA breakthrough.

And Tim R. Swartz reports on an alien hair sample left behind after a sexual encounter that was given to Dr. Horace Drew, an Australian research scientist, for analysis.

According to Swartz: “Dr. Drew’s PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) DNA profiling of the hair revealed that it came from someone who was biologically close to normal human genetics, but of an unusual racial type – a rare Chinese Mongoloid type – one of the rarest human lineages known, that lies further from the human mainstream than any other except for African pygmies and aboriginals. Even more bizarre, the mitochondrial DNA profiling revealed a rare Basque/Gaelic-type DNA in the hair root, along with the indications of the CCR5 gene deletion factor – indicating possible viral resistance against diseases such as HIV and smallpox.

“The incredible finding of the DNA study seems to show human genetic manipulation on a scale not yet accomplished by modern science. There is also the disturbing indication that the ‘humans’ that supplied the hair sample have been genetically altered to be resistant to sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV/AIDS. This is an interesting development considering the stories that have been circulated for decades about a possible human/extraterrestrial hybrid program being conducted by some unknown group.”

Admittedly, the hair comes from a verifiably human source but has many anomalous qualities nonetheless. The fact that the creature is designed to be resistant to HIV/AIDS may indicate that it is called upon to have intercourse on a frequent basis with people who are “total strangers” and whose health status in terms of sexually transmitted diseases is unknown.


alien-horny sex

“Exophiliac” means “a person who craves sex with aliens.”

But “Screwed By The Aliens” is not all darkness and gloom. As is typical for him, Beckley provides some lighter moments, such as his essay on sex with aliens in the movies, profusely illustrated with movie stills and theater posters. Sci-Fi is rife with sexual scenes and incidents that bring together humans and the not-so-human for what Beckley calls “Creature Couplings.” Another bit of fun comes from Nomar Slevik, who shares several pulp magazine covers that depict beautiful, buxom, human women being sexually preyed upon by aliens who take whatever form struck the imagination of the given artist.

In the opening pages of the book, Beckley grapples with the idea of finding a final answer to the sexual nature of some alien encounters and to his own place in the UFO scheme of things.

“This book’s title has a double meaning,” Beckley writes. “As you turn the pages, you will see that we have approached the sexual nature of UFOs, their alien occupants, and the reproduction process of the Ultra-terrestrials with an open mind. It’s easy to laugh and guffaw upon reading reports of anal probes and those who claim that they have fathered a rather large family of star children, or who have sex with reptilians just about every Saturday night. We admit to a bit of chuckling from time to time ourselves, but this is potentially a very important aspect of UFO research that for the most part has been neglected because of what some see as its offensive nature.

“But just because something is offensive or not to your liking,” he continues, “doesn’t mean that you should ignore it altogether. The phenomenon is not going to go away. So let’s study it and let the chips fall where they may (a very trite statement, but one that immediately comes to mind).

“The second meaning, for me at least, is the fact that I sometimes feel I have been ‘screwed by the aliens.’ Though I have had three UFO sightings, written and published a gazillion books and magazines, I am still at a loss as to what precisely the UFO enigma consists of. We have close encounters, bedroom invaders, abductions, government cover-ups, a cry for disclosure and everything to the far left and the far right.

“I could have gone out and gotten a regular job, but, no, ‘they’ led me to follow them, to chat them up and to devote my life to understanding their purpose. So, in a sense, yes, I have been ‘screwed by the aliens.’ But, like with sex, it has been a pleasurable experience (for the most part).”

For good or evil, at least some aliens are interested in human sexuality and reproduction and do their work without human consent or approval. Whether or not that constitutes “rape” remains a question not easily answered. But, like Beckley says, we may be in a situation where we’re being screwed both literally and metaphorically.



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