The Moon’s Galactic History: A Look at the Moon’s Extraterrestrial Past and Its Connection to Earth

The Moon’s Galactic History: A Look at the Moon’s Extraterrestrial Past and Its Connection to Earth, follows the past and present research about the Moon’s strange, enigmatic history, with a focus on an extraterrestrial presence. The book examines such questions as, “Are there Moon inhabitants?” “Are the UFOs seen today connected to the Moon?” “Is there a city on the Moon?” and more. Additionally, Briggs discusses thing observed on the Moon, including anomalous strange lights, unidentified flying objects, odd constructions, artifacts, symbols and more. This book examines new thoughts and ideas from researchers and what their ideas are today about the extraterrestrial, Moon-Earth connection, and what it means for us. With all the information on unidentified flying objects in the news today, it is time to have an updated book with current research that investigates both the past and present material on the Moon. Did you know that: Several of the NASA astronauts reported seeing UFOs while traveling to the Moon?; the Moon might be hollow?; Apollo 10 astronauts heard strange “space music” when traveling on the far side of the Moon?; mysterious anomalous activity has been seen on the Moon for centuries?; there are said to be ruins of structures on the Moon?; and more. Constance Victoria Briggs is a metaphysical, spiritual and cosmic researcher and writer. She has authored four previous books: The Encyclopedia of Moon Mysteries, The Encyclopedia of Angels, Encyclopedia of God, and The Encyclopedia of the Unseen World. Briggs has also been a guest speaker on several radio shows discussing the paranormal, extraterrestrials, life-after-death, near-death-experiences, as well as other related topics. Shows that Briggs has been featured on include Coast to Coast am with George Noory, Midnight Society, The Leak Project, The Kingdom of Nye, Earth Ancients, and Paranormal.


Please remember we all have different opinions, Think Before You Speak or Write Something that is cruel to Others. After all, We are only Humans. Wishing you clear skies and wide eyes. To share your experiences or just leave a comment there is a area below. Read or listen.

We are the change the world has been waiting for!

Have you witnessed an unidentified flying object?

You are not alone. Whether you think UFOs are black projects, extraterrestrial craft, something else altogether, or just don’t know, again, you are not alone!

Unconditional love. The road we all get to walk. Unconditional love is like the sun.


Love and Regards,

Thank You,

Nancy Thames

alien ark


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