5 Potentially Habitable Planets We’ve Found So Far

BRIGHT SIDE Scientists are busy looking for an alternative for our planet because at some point, we’ll need to move on. By 2023, we’ve found more than 5,000 exoplanets, that is, planets outside the Solar System. And many of these exoplanets could potentially even have life. What exactly do we need o be able to …

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The Moon’s Galactic History: A Look at the Moon’s Extraterrestrial Past and Its Connection to Earth

Paranormal E The Moon’s Galactic History: A Look at the Moon’s Extraterrestrial Past and Its Connection to Earth, follows the past and present research about the Moon’s strange, enigmatic history, with a focus on an extraterrestrial presence. The book examines such questions as, “Are there Moon inhabitants?” “Are the UFOs seen today connected to the …

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The Solar System Planets Could Be Rearranged By Extraterrestrials To Send Us A Message

An alien civilization could arrange entire solar systems of planets, experts claim (Image: PA)   An advanced alien civilization could fire asteroids at moons and planets to realign their orbits and alert us to their presence, claim experts. This ambitious planet-shuffling could help ET advertise their presence to distant searchers like us, according to planetary scientist Matthew Clement, of the Carnegie …

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