The Arcturians , Remembering Your Soul Self

Watching Earth
Watching Earth


One of the most advanced species in the galaxy, the Arcturians are multidimensional beings with three fingers. They are great teachers and vibrational beings. They sense the vibrational aspect of reality. Their society and personal lives are based on vibration. The highest ranking members of society are those with the highest frequency. Mating takes place on a non-physical level.

Arcturians assist the human race to attain peace and spiritual development.
You can thank them for protecting our planet since our beginning. They are great teachers of love, and would love to teach you. Your pure intentions of love will attract them, and they will come to you through vibration. These guides can allow you to see vibration like they do, unlocking a power of consciousness that helps you to understand the vibrational patterns of the universe in ways words cannot explain. These powers will remain with you as long as you can keep your vibration high through keeping yourself full of love and light.

“Arcturians are a humanoid alien species, who lives in a planet, near the giant sun Arcturus. The Arcturians teach that the most fundamental ingredient for living in the fifth dimension is love.

Very caring and loving Alien Race. We are very fortunate to have them . Love and Light to All,

Thank You,

Nancy Thames


2 thoughts on “The Arcturians , Remembering Your Soul Self”

  1. Hello Nancy!! Despite your praise for this race if these beings we meet with start talking about god and a soul they shouldn’t be trusted or taken seriously which begs to differ what the Elohim have to say as far as their interactions with this ET race.Atheist ET’s are the only ones worth having relations with especially if there science and technology are at a high level close to the Elohim’s development so to speak.We don’t need more spirituality we need more advances in science and technology hopefully a helpful exchange with these atheist ET’s will take place time will only tell for sure.We should ignore the fake news in regards to god believing ET’s and especially human run space programs operated by NASA.

  2. Hello! I’ve got some comments to say here for those that believe in the reality of a soul.First off why do we need a soul in the first place and second to give a soul to someone that is destined to be evil or hate living just doesn’t make sense to me.Giving immortality to sick minds and unhappy people is the worst you could do to help them besides a so-called creator giving souls away to new born babies seems like a act of ownership over that person not to mention to begin with are memories are blank as a baby which roughly constitutes that we started out as atheists not of course knowing religion to begin with.In effect we didn’t need to learn to be atheist we simply didn’t know and for me since joining the Raelian movement it has been a process of unlearning what you’ve been programed with later in life for me to unlearn what I’ve learned and I’am happy to die as a Raelian anyway that is pretty much all I want to say in regards to the unreality of a soul and thank you for allowing me to post my new views on the subject here goodbye!


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