A UFO, the Pentagon and a 3-year Mission to Save the World. The True Story of Valiant Thor

The Why Files A UFO, the Pentagon and a 3-year Mission to Save the World. The True Story of Valiant Thor On March 16, 1957, at 8 o’clock in the morning, a 300 ft long spacecraft landed in a field in Alexandria Virginia. Two local police officers arrived on the scene. The door of the …

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Arrival On Earth In The 1950s Omnee Onee Lived On Venus For 210 Years

There have been accounts of various personalities who once lived on Venus and were brought to earth. Ranging from Nikola Tesla, Valiant Thor, Ralph Lael, and Elizabeth Klarer, they are all believed to be the inhabitants of Venus. According to scientists, Venus was once habitable for life, similar to Earth. Scientists also warn us that if …

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