‘THEY’ Are Hiding in the Mountains!.. WHY?

  Zohar StarGate TV Many of the world’s most ancient and mysterious mountains have equally ancient legends tied to them, as well as many sightings of UFOs and reports of strange creatures that reach right into our contemporary era. Might it be that these mountains contain extraterrestrial bases? If so, are the governments of the …

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THIS “Dark Web” Footage Still Haunts Me.. Alien Being Found in 1990s?

secureteam10 Hope you enjoy!  Have a wonderful day!   Please remember we all have different opinions, Think Before You Speak or Write Something that is cruel to Others. After all, We are only Humans. Wishing you clear skies and wide eyes. To share your experiences or just leave a comment there is a area below. …

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We Formed the Vril Society: Taygetean Pleiadian Message (Rashell of Temmer)

Cosmic Agency In this episode we are talking to Rashell of Temmer, a woman from Taygeta (Pleiades), an ambassador between the races and the one that has occupied her position in the Earth orbit the longest. It is the same Taygetean woman who spoke with President Eisenhower and, as she reveals in this video, she …

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Study hints that Extraterrestrial abduction may come from lucid dreaming

People have described bizarre extraterrestrial encounters that take place in a dreamlike state. Scientists guided lucid dreamers to emulate encounters with aliens and UFOs during REM sleep. (Image credit: David Wall/Getty Images) Lucid dreaming(opens in new tab), in which people are partially aware and can control their dreams during sleep, could explain so-called alien abduction stories, …

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Extraterrestrial civilizations may lurk in the Milky Way that might not be friendly

The Milky Way is home to millions of potentially habitable planets — and approximately four of them may harbor evil alien civilizations that would invade Earth if they could, new research posted to the preprint database arXiv suggests. The new paper, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, poses a peculiar question: What are the odds that humans could one …

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Elon Musk REVEALED Big News About Aliens!

The Future Space The world’s wealthiest man warns of impending danger. Elon Musk claims that aliens exist, and he has shown public images of alien ships taken in orbit. Are you and I looking forward to meeting extraterrestrial intelligence? #UFO photos taken from SpaceX images? What are Elon Musk and NASA’s thoughts on this? The …

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Is the Government Hiding Proof of Anti Gravity UFOs?

Unveiled In this video, Unveiled takes a closer look at anti-gravity UFOs! Ever since Bob Lazar blew the whistle on UFOs in the 1980s, the race has been on to prove that there’s a cover up… and in this video, we explore the truth!   Please remember we all have different opinions, Think Before You …

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Lights from alien cities are an intriguing potential technosignature

This photo shows several cities in the American Midwest at night as seen by an astronaut on the International Space Station on Sept. 29, 2011, with the greenish glow of the aurora also visible. The light emitted by cities on exoplanets is an intriguing possible technosignature, a new paper suggests. (Image credit: NASA) Scientists searching for …

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The Illuminati Government Plan An Fake Extraterrestrial Invasion

fake alien invasion

The article talks about the agenda through which all countries surrender and there could be a one-world government. In this article the fake alien invasion plan is discussed. And how the plan is being carried out, as well as how people’s minds have been influenced by movies and web series, so that most people now believe in …

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Yowies & The Little People

Forgotten Origin: The Out of Australia Theory To an extent, the content and speakers in this presentation run in opposition to our intention to focus on one theme. This time around we are examining two Original issues which are not in the least related, but as both came onto the scene over the last month …

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