The George Adamski Archive Revealed…’THEY’ Came from Venus to Warn Humanity

Gregg Braden Beginning in the late 1940s, benevolent extraterrestrial beings reached out to a humble human being, George Adamski, whom they trusted to relay their teachings to the world. Throughout the course of his life, the contacts continued and George diligently documented every encounter. Today, Glenn Steckling bears the mantle of keeper of the Adamski …

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The Astounding Discovery of the Precise Location of the Summerhill Pyramid

Summerhill Pyramid Wine         Please remember we all have different opinions, Think Before You Speak or Write Something that is cruel to Others. After all, We are only Humans. Wishing you clear skies and wide eyes. To share your experiences or just leave a comment there is a area below. Read or …

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Becoming a Psychic Spy: Remote Viewing, the CIA, & Uri Geller

Planet Weird Warning: this podcast may unlock your psychic powers! In this episode, we dig into recently declassified CIA documents that suggest psychic powers are real… and that famed mentalist Uri Geller was a spy. Plus, Connor defies the brotherhood of magicians by revealing well-guarded secrets, ghostly activity manifests in the studio, and Greg & …

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Secret Space UAP I The Richard Dolan Show

Richard Richard interviews filmmaker Darcy Weir, whose latest film is titled Secret Space UFOs: NASA’s First Missions. This treatment investigates the X-15, Mercury, and Gemini programs, specifically looking into the many encounters with UAP/UFO phenomena.     Please remember we all have different opinions, Think Before You Speak or Write Something that is cruel to …

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What Are Portals?: The Secret Of Space Travel

The secret of space travel is the portal. The portal is the key to time travel and multidimensional experiences. Portals are used by beings who are not native to Earth but who want to enter our dimension for whatever reason. These beings can come through any type of gateway because they all open onto corridors …

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When Science Becomes Religious | with Michael Cremo

Theo In this video, Michael Cremo (the author of Forbidden Archeology) on religious thinking in scientific communities and fans of science. Cremo has presented substantial evidence for extreme human antiquity and has often been met with disregard or outright ignored, instead of getting arguments against his evidence     Please remember we all have different …

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Erika & Michael Cremo | Evidence for Extreme Human Antiquity

Theolo Michael Cremo is the author of the controversial book “Forbidden Archeology” which exposes the “knowledge filter” in science by examining how evidence for extreme human antiquity is handled by the scientific community. Erika and Michael will discuss the fossil record, the knowledge filter and evidence for extreme human antiquity.     Please remember we …

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Vedic Tradition and UFOs with Michael Cremo

New Thinking Al Michael Cremo is coauthor with Richard Thompson of Forbidden Archeology. He is also author of Human Devolution: A Vedic Alternative to Darwin’s Theory as well as My Science, My Religion – a collection of his scientific papers. Here he describes the Vedic worldview as one in which consciousness, rather than matter, is …

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Book of Alien Race: Secret Russian KGB Book of Alien Species

UFOmania – The   The original 1946 book was written to inform KGB agents of the various alien races who had visited our planet and also was used as a notebook by secret agents as they constantly made additions and revisions to the original startling information over the years. These contain information on the history …

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John Ramirez CIA (Ret), UFOs, the CIA & More

Podcas We had Internet issues a few weeks ago and have invited John Ramirez CIA (Ret), is back for PART 2 to continue our conversation on his personal thoughts on the UFO subject, his own personal experiences and more. BIO: Mr. John Ramirez served from 1984 to 2009 in the CIA Directorate of Science and …

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