The Anunnaki Revealed: Are They the Fallen Angels of the Bible?

Anunnaki Ancien In this video, we delve into the intriguing world of the Anunnaki, a term that has captivated historians, archaeologists, and enthusiasts of ancient civilizations for years. Are the Anunnaki the fallen angels described in the Bible? This question forms the crux of our exploration, and while the answer might surprise you, the connections …

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May 13 Webinar Highlights – Orbs, Space Arks, Motherships

Michael Salla   Highlights from the Orbs, Space Arks & Motherships: Why the Deep State Fears Them webinar completed on May 13. Webinar presents and analyzes newly released information from a wide range of sources on Space Arks, ET Motherships and their connection to the many orbs that are increasingly being sighted around the world. …

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The Lost Book of the ‘Wars of the Lord’ is FOUND!… Complete Story EVER Told!

Zohar StarGate Ancient Discoveries One of the non-canonical books referenced in the Bible which has now been completely lost; has been found. At least two parts of the book have come forward within a collection of secret documents held by the medieval Knights Templar and their ideological descendants. The unpublished material we will share and …

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Who is REALLY CONTROLLING US? Hidden Powers, Kings, Queens, Aliens & Gods

The 5th Kind How did things end up like this? Could there be more to the story than we realise? Written by, and Featuring Paul Wallis.       Please remember we all have different opinions, Think Before You Speak or Write Something that is cruel to Others. After all, We are only Humans. Wishing …

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Ex Pastor Reveals Information That Will Blow Your Mind! Asherah – Pleiadians in the Bible?

The 5th Kind Could the bible be a story of humanities contact with an alien species? Author Paul Wallis takes us on a journey into our ancient past in this new 2023 documentary. Asherah was honoured as an advanced being and is one of the many Elohim or “powerful beings” who’s existence is recorded in …

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The Eden Conspiracy – Paul Wallis

Full Spec   On This Episode: We help launch the latest part of the Eden Series by Paul Wallis call ” The Eden Conspiracy” join us as we dive into the amazing works of this author and break new ground into understanding our past… Let’s Get Into It.       Please remember we all …

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FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ Rabbi Bar Tzadok : Aliens and the Bible

FADE TO BLACK Radio Tonight our guest is Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok and we’ll be talking about 2020, the end of times from the book of Daniel, angels, demons and Extra-Terrestrials… all in one show!   Please remember we all have different opinions, Think Before You Speak or Write Something that is cruel to Others. …

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