My UFO Story and some of my Drawings

Nancy in Gel Vat
Nancy in Gel Vat

My Drawing of A Alien Species
My Drawing of A Alien Species
Nancy at Alien Con 2016
Nancy at Alien Con 2016

So my story is quite short but very uh…unbelievable. more on that later.

One night during the summer time me and my brother and sister  decided to sleep outside in the Camper Trailer. I may have been around 12-16 or so. Most nights we end up going back inside due to the humidity. However this night we stayed out the entire time. We all fell asleep around 11 or 12 but I woke up some time later around 2. For absolutely no reason I looked straight up as I was on my back and saw a massive craft slowly hovering over moving maybe 5 mph-10 mph maybe slightly faster but it made absolutely no noise. At this time I know what a jet sounds like and you can see a jet fly over silently only to hear the engine a few seconds later. This was not that. I’m not good with distance so I will describe its size this way. If you held a small soccer ball or softball up at arms length that’s how big it would be. As it passed over I tried waking both of my siblings up. Only one woke up and saw what I saw. I do not remember anything after that or even falling asleep again. But I do remember waking up that morning. I was by myself, so I gathered up and headed inside.

Now this may seem like the run of the mill UFO story. But is isn’t. I did not see a triangle or a disc or a plane. And this is where it becomes unbelievable. What I saw was very close to a Mother-ship.

But I did want to go a bit more in depth.
  1. I remember this clearly and as an adult I cannot say it was a plane or helicopter the size doesn’t match up and it was silent.

  2. Before this incident I had no one else to see it to.

  3. I was a big Star Trek fan and would watch with the family.

  4. I have read many UFO cases where the viewer sees a UFO that simply resembles something based off something man made. like a lantern. However I was not aware of this fact until literally later in life!

  5.  I randomly decided to look into the sky at night, and saw that thing hovering in the sky. It looked way bigger and further away than a drone too.

  6. The thing I saw also seemed like a giant air/space cruise ship. It looked like it was designed to hold many many… beings…fully equipped ship.

  7.  Its uncanny hearing such similar stories.

  8.  There are those who say that they can morph into anything they want so maybe they read your thoughts and picked your favorite video game. It’s also possible that you saw what you wanted to see or maybe the whole thing was one of those dreams that feels like it’s real.

  9.  My story almost sounds like some of the abduction stories I’ve read about in the past as well, complete with missing time. I call them Check Ups instead.

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