Life on Mars – Weird Crab-like Creature Discovered on the Red Planet

As you can tell from the pictures below, a very strange crab-like creature has been spotted on the Red Planet. These pictures were taken by NASA’s Curiosity Rover and although a lot of people have been quick to dismiss this discovery a lot of experts in the field believe that this is proof of life on Mars after all.

Some believe that you can see claws coming out of it, while others believe that those are not claws, to begin with, but tentacles.

The Curiosity Rover was placed on Mars with the simple purpose of taking pictures of anything suspicious and analyzing all the possible traces of life on Mars so why isn’t anyone actually paying attention to this?

Most likely because NASA doesn’t want to acknowledge its existence.

The pictures have been plastered all over YouTube and certain commentators even discussed the possibility of it actually being a Martian dweller of some sort and its body being the rock, not just the crab creature.

They believe that the crab is just a decoy meant to attract smaller predators until the creature can attack and eat its prey whole.

Whether this is true or if it’s just a statue of some sort we don’t know, but what we do know is that it’s a good day for virtual archaeologists all around the globe, to say the least.

Article by Revealed

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