International Space Station Films Thousands of Alien Spaceships Leaving Earth

International Space Station Films Thousands of Alien Spaceships Leaving Earth

A shocking discovery was made as of late thanks to the International Space Station back on May 18th, 2020. According to the experts, footage of thousands of objects leaving Earth’s atmosphere was captured by the ISS.

This video was uploaded on a channel called “High definition Earth Visualization (HDEV)” on the Ustream platform and it showcases thousands of ships leaving our planet at once.

Some people are not as convinced, believing that this is all just specs of ice reflecting the light into the ISS’s camera lenses, but experts are sure that this is not the case.

What could prompt these aliens from leaving our planet? For how long were they here? Are these the aliens that lived on our planet millions of years ago and have been controlling us since?

Some believe that the recent unfortunate events may have led to their departure, but others are not so sure.

Scientists have been warning us of Dalton minimum for a long time now. In case you didn’t know, Dalton minimum is one of the most extreme weather periods in history.

It lasted from 1790 to 1830 and it caused Earth to become basically uninhabitable. If this were to happen again we would face mass extinction for sure.


Article by Revealed

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