Humans have ‘built-in survival instinct triggered by ghosts and aliens’

Humans can instantly detect extraterrestrial and paranormal activity thanks to a special frequency, says an ex-MoD medic.

In his new book UFOs – The Real Story, Paul Ascough attempts to make sense of all life clouded in mystery from aliens to bigfoot and ghosts, based on his own run-ins with the unexplained.

The retired British Army and NHS paramedic claims whenever we witness something other-worldly, our frequency crosses with theirs which triggers in us a “visceral terror”.

According to Paul, anyone who has spotted or experienced mysterious activity is left in no doubt it was with an extraordinary being because of an internal reaction to their presence.

Paul Ascough
Paul Ascough has penned his experiences and theories in a new book (Image: Paul Ascough)
Paul from Yorkshire, said: “I believe that it could be quite plausible that as human beings we have a built-in survival instinct, that our own frequency can pick up an ‘alien’ frequency and recognizes at some deep level that we should not be where we are.”Therefore we feel this visceral terror and absolute fear; because our ‘soul’ can recognize that we are in danger, by being in a frequency that does not resonate with our current body and where we should be!

“To take this another logical step, could this also be true for the eye-witnesses to the paranormal? People who may become terrified on seeing spirit?

“We are temporarily exposing ourselves to a frequency or vibration that is higher or lower than where we currently resonate.”

Paul believes aliens carry a frequency which alerts our own when near (Image: Getty Images/Science Photo Library RF)

The proud Yorkshire man, who has investigated the phenomenon of UFOs and the paranormal for over 50 years, adds that ET can use their frequency to control reactions to their presence.

After spotting a UFO in the sky but not grabbing his camera, Paul wonders if his conscience was being warned against capturing evidence.

He added: “ET can control and project a ‘fearful’ frequency, that dissuade any witnesses from being more curious and people will naturally shy away from a fearful confrontation.

“ET make their own little universe around the craft. They are able to manipulate the frequency of the immediate surroundings to travel at will wherever they want to be!”

Paul's new book
Paul’s new book is out on May 1 (Image: Paul Ascough)

“How one avenue of investigation actually helps to explain another and how all these separate pieces come together to make a more complete orange or more complete jigsaw.”

In his new book, Paul explores human and alien frequencies further as part of a multitude of subjects from UFO abductions to the paranormal.

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Readers will see how subjects can overlap and according to publisher Philip Mantle, will leave them in no doubt, that truly strange encounters occur on Earth daily.

UFOs – The Real Story will be released by Flying Disk Press on May 1.

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Love and Regards,

Happy Quarantine

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Nancy Thames

Source Star Alien

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