FESIG 64th Meeting with Jared Rand on RV Funding Replicators Disclosure & Celestial Chamber

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The 64th FESIG Meeting started off with Crystal Goh, the Chair, welcoming the 100 something meeting attendees to FESIG, the Free Energy Special Interest Group! She introduced the speaker Jared Rand of the Global Guided Meditation Call to speak. Jared said about the processing and developing the celestial chamber, they will move people to safe places to successfully complete the 1st unit prototype model, testing them and move to produce a dozen of them, given open-source information, going over the protocols, through with quantum physicists, AI people, scientists, fabricators. Manufacture them to deliver out there to make a difference on this planet eliminating disease and human ills. It’s called the box. Self powered…operate from a different perspective… light particle communication – communicates with other devices…. Tachyon Plasma field…. It powers the dwelling in it pretty much forever. Makes harmonious tone frequency…harmonize atmosphere to uplifting moods, as it raises frequencies of people.. The replicators literally creates everything we need. Food, needs can be instantaneously created through voice command. Re-atomize leftovers so there’s no waste. Toxic waste that had been a problem here will literary not exist anymore, as they’ll be eliminated. They’re fail safe. Cannot do anything that’ll do harm to others. Security measures built in… do no harm – respect all life. These technologies had been introduced at this time so the civilization can move forward into a much higher vibrational frequency. Also operate as a communication device – sending and receiving communication with anybody in the world. The monetary process is very delicate as there are many applications. It is an illusion, not reality. Controlled by a handful of authority for their own benefit. Unlimited wealth must be distributed to a handful of people who are here to help turn the planet around so they can bestow and spread abundance out to the masses. Financial shift is to wealthify everyone. Those who are in receivership of this wealth has committed their lives to change the planet for the better. Abundance, diseases eliminated. Bodies will be renewed, uplift frequencies into a much harmonious existence. The life we have now will cease to exist. Tremendous abundance to the point that we don’t need money anymore. Peace, prosperity, harmony, joy, – no more anger, stress, nor any negativity anymore. Power control and manipulation no more. No disease, no aging. Aging dictates it’s ending. Rots away, not meant to be. Unending life, space traveling all over the universe, experiencing life on other planets. An the free energy front, the box, the cube powers like a replicator –attracts high frequency energy particles from the plasma field of the environment – accumulates, processes and expands the energy continuously – no need for ACDC – senses the power needs of other devices and just sends energy to power them. It doesn’t have its own source of power but it relies on some form of power that will make it work, will translates it into a light frequency wave energy that will make it work. Pulls it in from the environment to replicate. Works forever, inexhaustible. No noise, no nothing…understand the hyper quantum physics where size has no meaning. One little particle of different elements of the universe. The cube is what will power the Celestial Chamber – no wires, no wifi. Anti-gravitic bends light, manipulates time…replicators…water is created instantaneously. House dwelling is all self-contained, self repairs, a living energy, yet not synthetic, water, food, heating is all taken care of. No maintenance, safe, no worrying. Code: Do no Harm, assist and help others. Replicators. Full blown replication for the celestial chambers. RV and financials… it’s already been set…. A blast of wealth that’ll be distributed to the people soon. Operating in a different direction. Watch the gold, watch the silver…hard asset-backed currency. The numbers are set, it doesn’t matter what is being said. The numbers are absolutely astronomical! Very soon to take place. Each and everybody has wealth. Eliminate scarcity and lack totally! They want to keep us in scarcity and lack to keep us in fear…. Everybody’s got the gold standard and it’s already engaged. Already being locked in place. The no.1 issues is how are people going to handle their wealth. Watch and listen for the rest.



Please remember we all have different opinions, Think Before You Speak or Write Something that is cruel to Others. After all, We are only Humans. Wishing you clear skies and wide eyes. To share your experiences or just leave a comment there is a area below. Read or listen.

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Unconditional love. The road we all get to walk. Unconditional love is like the sun.


Love and Regards,

Thank You,

Nancy Thames

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