Demi Lovato Thinks Alien Encounters Could Lead to a Shift In Consciousness

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People’s Disclosure Movement
Mantis Alien City
Mantis Alien City

• On April 30th, 27 year old singer, songwriter and actor Demi Lovato (pictured above) was on the podcast Wild Ride! with Steve-O podcast discussing meditation and the shift in consciousness that is now occurring. (see video of the podcast below)

• Lovato said that during the coronavirus down time she focused on her meditation and then recommended a movie she had just watched: “Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind.” (see here for previous ExoArticle on the Steven Greer film) Said Lovato, “Technically, it’s about aliens. They talk about how you can have a close encounter of the fifth kind which is contact with aliens.” “But it’s all about… meditation (actually).”

• “The first encounter would be like seeing a UFO,” Lovato said. “The second would be some kind of proof being left behind. The third encounter would be like you have some sort of interaction with the alien. The fourth is like you’re on board, you get abducted and then the fifth is human initiated contact with aliens. I sound nuts right now.”

• Lovato doesn’t necessarily believe in aliens, but she believes our consciousness needs to be open to different ways of relating to the universe. She thinks the coronavirus crisis is bringing about such a shift so that the documentary came at just the right time. “This documentary is talking about that shift of consciousness,” said Lovato. “It’s just also interesting that it was one of the top viewed movies…I think this time right now is forcing a lot of people to look within themselves. That consciousness is totally shifting.”

• “I’m doing a lot of meditating,” Lovato said. “I swear, I haven’t meditated so much in my life. You find… there’s literally nothing to do, so you might as well do nothing. Sometimes I’ll do guided prayers…. Other meditations will be like I do some Kundalini. Some is just breathing.” “I believe that meditation is hard work. That’s why so many people don’t want to do it.” If you’re putting of meditation, Lovato says, just do it.


Demi Lovato has been studying aliens. Don’t worry, she’s not going to Area 51. This is going somewhere, but it begins with aliens. Lovato was on the Wild Ride! with Steve-O podcast on April 30 discussing how she is spending her down time during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The conversation ultimately turned to shifting consciousness with meditation but it began with aliens.

Demi Lovato watched a movie about aliens and meditation

Lovato was describing her meditation practice to Steve-O and recommended a movie that connects to her practice.

“I just saw this movie called Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind,” Lovato said. “It’s a brand new documentary and it was just released in April. It was just released on Apple TV but it’s all about actually meditation. Technically it’s about aliens but they talk about how you can have a close encounter of the fifth kind which is contact with aliens.”

Demi Lovato outlines all the close encounters you can have with aliens

You may remember the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind. It turns out that movie stopped halfway!

“The first encounter would be like seeing a UFO,” Lovato said. “The second would be some kind of proof being left behind. The third encounter would be like you have some sort of interaction with the alien. The fourth is like you’re on board, you get abducted and then the fifth is human initiated contact with aliens. I sound nuts right now.”

56:01 minute video of the Wild Ride! with Steve-O podcast –
Lovato discusses meditation from the 45 to 47 minute mark;
discusses the shift in consciousness from the 47:30 to 50:30 mark
(‘Steve-O’s Wild Ride! Podcast’ YouTube)

Love and Regards,  We Have Never Been Alone!!! ~~~ WE ARE THE DISCLOSURE !!!

We are the change the world has been waiting for!

LOL= LOVE OF LIFE, (We all matter!)

Thank You,

Nancy Thames


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