Cisco Grove, California Alien Encounter, 1964

Monday, January 18, 2021

California Man is Besieged By “Occupants”

     In early September, 1964, three men from the Sacramento area of California went into the mountains near Cisco Grove, California, to hunt with bows and arrows. On the night of the 4th, after hunting a ridge, they separated and headed for
By The A.P.R.O. Bulletin
July-Aug 1966

camp. One of the men, who will be referred to hereafter as, “Mr.X” (at his request), came to the end of the ridge, found a sheer drop and has to retrace his steps and attempt to descend to camp along another route. At that time it was getting dark and Mr. X shortly found that he was lost.

Shortly thereafter, Mr. X saw a bright light descend out of the sky in a glide path and land beyond the crest of the ridge. He at first thought it was a helicopter coming to rescue him but he heard no sound, and decided it might have been a meteor despite its slow speed. Shortly he realized his mistake when he heard sounds of something approaching from the direction of the object, whose lights he could now see. He went back up his tree and watched as two “space-suit” clad figures walked over to the base of the tree followed by a “something” which he referred to as a “robot” in his report, which seemed to float rather than walk, would go over rather than around bushes, etc.

California Man is Beseiged By 'Occupants' - The APRO Bulletin (July-August, 1966)
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Please remember we all have different opinions, Think Before You Speak or Write Something that is cruel to Others. After all, We are only Humans. Wishing you clear skies and wide eyes. To share your experiences or just leave a comment there is a area below. Read or listen.

We are the change the world has been waiting for!

Have you witnessed an unidentified flying object?

You are not alone. Whether you think UFOs are black projects, extraterrestrial craft, something else altogether, or just don’t know, again: you are not alone!

Unconditional love. The road we all get to walk. Unconditional love is like the sun.


Love and Regards,

Happy Quarantine

Thank You,

Nancy Thames



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