Charles Hall and Tall White aliens


Charles Hall’s Millennial Hospitality book series, describing his encounters with a race of human-like extraterrestrials – the “Tall Whites” (TW) – during a two year duty assignment at Nellis Air Force Base from 1965 to 1967.

“Hall saw Air Force generals return from distant, hours-long trips with Tall Whites on their antigravity craft. Hall says, “When the USAF Generals got off the craft they were laughing like they had just come back from the world’s best amusement park.””

I would like to be clear that even though Charles Hall has given incredible detail about the Tall White aliens there is much supporting evidence from other sources making this case pretty darn solid.

Here is another interesting bit of supporting evidence found by Tom Fox who himself has seen the Tall White near Indian Springs while camping in the desert and in Las Vegas.

I will put his story below the other links I have been accumulating that show many people have been interacting with the TW over the years.


George LoBuono said:

I connected the dots on this one:

“Col Major Wilson had begun his duties at the Papoose Lake installation, still not knowing what existed 30 stories farther down.

He had been well indoctrinated in Top Secret work and knew all the consequences of keeping the nation’s most guarded secrets. The past six years had been slow and boring, he recalls, and other than what he saw at Wright-Patterson AFB, he felt that he was in a vacuum going nowhere.

He was sitting in his office at S-4 mulling this over one morning, when a Lieutenant Colonel Bennet came in. He asked Wilson if he was busy, (“Like he gave a damn,” Wilson recalls), and said “Let’s go.”

Wilson followed the Lieutenant Colonel, and they eventually wound up two stories down at the super-secret “S-4” UFO technology area. As they came out on a landing there, Wilson saw eight different kinds of UFOs!

There were intellectual-looking people all over the area, whom he guessed were scientists. He glanced at Bennett, who cut off his implied question with a curt “Forget it.”


The Colonel and the Major went into a cubicle where there were about twenty officers and civilians sitting around. Wilson was startled, when a woman came in who was at least eight feet tall. There was not an ounce of excess fat on her body, he recalls. She wore a strange-looking jump suit, which had a * HI * pattern on the right side above the breast line.

To this day Wilson recollects the details of this striking encounter.

“The woman had finely-chiseled features. Her blonde hair cascaded neatly past her shoulders. Her eyes were the bluest blue I’d ever seen. Somehow she was different. Little did I know then, how different! She sat a large crystal on the table, and without warning, her fingers began to glow as she ran them over this crystal.

A 3-D hologram began to form above it! I looked around the room and everyone’s mouth was hanging open, and suddenly I noticed mine was, too. Little did I realize that at that moment my life would forever be changed. My past teachings slipped from me as I stared.
My whole concept of life did a 180-degree turn, as I watched the Hologram, complete with sound, unfold the mysteries of the past and the present, and of other worlds.”

Colonel Wilson related that among the scenes, which the female extraterrestrial’s crystal hologram displayed for the assembled group, was the history of the Earth and of extraterrestrial involvement with it.

That involvement included fashioning the consciousness of Jesus and sending him to live among Earthlings to point to a better way to understand life and to live. The extraterrestrial woman also showed the officers and scientists scenes from inhabited planets of other star systems. Wilson was transformed by this experience.

When it was over, I knew that, whatever part I was to play in all of this, my life as I knew it had ended forever.”

I have run across cases that seem to be Tall White cases on the Internet.

The many reports of Tall Whites, not just by Charles Hall, have not yet captured the imagination of the UFO community.


INCIDENTS with Tall white alien

Hall for example describes one Tall White female who wanted to kill a military servicemen who unknowingly had hit her child with a stone and broke the child’s arm. The serviceman threw a stone at what he thought was a white dog stalking him around his hut based.

Since the Tall Whites often stalked the servicemen, many serviceman thought they were wild animals and were quite frightened of them. The incident led to the Tall White threatening the servicemen with death if he didn’t leave immediately and promise to never return.

This is how the serviceman in question described the incident to Hall:

I tried to reason with her. I told her that I hadn’t broken any little boy’s arm and that I liked to play with kids. She wouldn’t hear any of it. She told met that I was too stupid to know what I had done.

Then she told me that the American generals had asked that I be given one warning before she and her friends killed me. She said that this was the warning. She said that if I ever came back out to the ranges alone, their Captain would kill me.

INCIDENTS with Tall white alien. Child

Other servicemen had similar negative encounters with the ’Tall Whites’. One incident in particular is very revealing since it involved a cook at the Army Base who inadvertently went into the kitchen area on a day where the base was closed. He was threatened with death because he simply frightened some of the Tall White children. So there’s wasn’t any broken bones or hurting of the children, he simply scared them.

Here’s how Charles ‘Charlie Baker’ Hall described the incident as the cook narrated what happened:

“They’re back there, Charlie. Don’t go back there. You’ll scare them like I did. They’ll kill you if you scare them. They told me so. That tall one in the corner, he told me so. He said he’d kill me if I ever scared their children again”.


Now as to the identity of the ‘Tall Whites’. Hall points to Arcturus as their origins as implied in the following passage where Hall is addressing a group of tall Whites:

A ripple of emotion passed through the crowd when I mentioned the star Arcturus, some 36 light years away. After a short pause, the older lady asked with some surprise, “Teacher, does Charlie know where we come from?”


Hall has described these beings as tall – ranging upwards of 6-7 feet in height – and quite thin and frail. The skin color is chalk white. They are physically different from us in several noticeable ways, yet the most important physical aspect is that they are humanoid, a fact that is filled with significance.


Their life span is about ten times ours. They do not age as we do, but after around 400 earth years’ time they undergo a second stage of growth, eventually reaching around nine feet in height. They die of organ failure at an age of approximately 800 years.

The Tall Whites have a physical form similar to ours in all gross aspects. That is, they are upright bipedal vertebrates; they have human-like faces, etc. With suitable clothing, they can and do pass as humans during well-guarded forays into Las Vegas. The Tall Whites have the faculty of speech, but some of their speech sounds are outside the audible spectrum for humans. In other words, we can’t hear the sounds.

Normal speech sounds “like a dog barking or ameadowlark singing”. However, some Tall Whites can mimic human speech and in fact carry on normal conversations with humans. Some have demonstrated an ability to imitate specific humans so well that the imitation cannot be detected when used over a telephone.

They also can use a device that projects speech so that it is heard by humans within their head. This works only over a short range (several feet) and requires the human to turn the head sideways to the Tall White.
The device is also a language translator. According to its settings from time to time, Hall was occasionally able to overhear Tall Whites conversing among themselves as though they were speaking English.


As stated, there was a pattern of confrontations with our personnel, in which panic led to injury and death of our soldiers. These beings are all well-armed, and they can and do kill, sometimes at the tiniest provocation. They react and move much more rapidly than humans can, so if they decide you have threatened them, you may be cut down and bleeding out without having even been warned.

Every Tall White adult carries a pencil-like weapon that can be set to stun, kill, immobilize, or “hypnotize” humans. It can also administer severe pain, and they frequently use it to discipline people who act in ways that annoy, frighten, or endanger them. The weapon’s actions and effects are accomplished by varying the frequency of focused microwaves to interact with specific ions in the human body.

Although their technology is quite beyond ours at this time, evidence suggests that by other and less tangible measures – “wisdom”, “intelligence”, “moral stature” – they might be quite comparable to ourselves.

Among the interesting matching characteristics of the Tall Whites and the Imdugud:

  1. Very tall humanoid “Nordic” with white skin
  2. Often have blue eyes
  3. Emit barking or whistling sounds
  4. Solitary
  5. Warriors

Parks adds in private communication that the Imdugud are among the very few that practice natural childbirth and raise families. (Most use genetics and cloning, and take advantage of very long or indefinitely long life spans. In other words, they are immortal.)

Yet there are contradictions, perhaps the most noteworthy being their apparent home base. Although the Tall Whites would never reveal this information to Charles Hall, they allowed him to believe it was not local, and via circumstantial data Hall has placed their home tentatively at the star Arcturus. However, it is also possible that Arcturus is simply another base – a “second home.”


Contacts with the Tall white aliens

Some stand more than 8 feet tall, run 40 mph and live 800 years. They speak like a dog barking or a bird chirping, write similar to Egyptian hieroglyphics and have learned English quite easily. They have large blue eyes that wrap part way around their heads, small noses and tiny ears pressed tight to their scalps. Their thumbs are small with four long slender fingers and two claw-like appendages instead of fingernails.

They all have thin, straight blond hair, usually worn short and the women can be distinguished by a feminine looking short cut. Their hips are shaped liked ours, but they walk quite differently since they are used to a stronger gravity pull. They typically can be seen wearing aluminized chalk white jump suits resembling a canvas-like fabric with gloves of the same material and an open white motorcycle helmet.

What’s unusual is the suit emits a three-inch field of white fluorescent light, the intensity varying from soft to bright, a brightness that can actually hurt the human eye.

They are extremely intelligent and process information speed several times faster than humans. However, secretly they fear our intuitive ability and extra sensory perceptions. They have individual talents, differing intellectual capabilities and physical traits, a race definitely not carved from a cookie-cutter. Some are teachers, some are pilots, some are workers and some are leaders. When bored, they like to go star gazing on hot summer nights, take weekend trips to the strip in Las Vegas or visit the Lincoln Monument in Washington D.C.

They like to recreate, procreate and their children, considerably shorter in size, are fun loving, energetic and inquisitive. The children enjoy hide and seek but they also like to play catch with soft objects since their bodies are frail, bruising easily. Mothers are highly devoted to their children to the “Nth” degree, existing solely for the purpose of meeting the needs of their offspring. They believe in a “tit for tat” system, believe their word is their bond and place a special importance on honoring agreements, especially verbal or written.

However, it is unknown whether they believe in God per se or form religions to advance their beliefs.

Although they are highly individualistic, one similar characteristic is they all have white chalky complexions – very white chalky complexions. For this reason, they have been called the Tall Whites. And for this reason, most people think they are nothing but fictional characters conjured up from a past Star Trek episode.

But the Tall Whites are more than just fiction, says Charles Hall, an educated man with a master’s in nuclear physics and former weather observer for the United States Air Force.

According to Hall, who claims to have communicated with the Tall Whites, they are very real, very complex and very much a part of the community living at Nellis Air Force Base, a highly secretive 5,000 square mile “no fly zone” military compound in the southern and central Nevada desert.


As previously mentioned, the Tall Whites can grow to be over 7 feet tall. However, most the adults in the first half of their lives usually range in size from 5’10 to 6’5”.

“Their life span is ten times grater than ours,” said Hall, adding that it takes them 10 times longer to heal, too. “They do not age as we do, but at about 400 earth years, they undergo a second stage of growth, eventually reaching about 8 feet tall. They then die of organ failure at an age of approximately 800 years. Since on their planet, days are longer so are they sleeping patterns, usually staying awake for two earth days and then followed by sleeping the same amount of time.”

Please remember we all have different opinions, Think Before You Speak or Write Something that is cruel to Others. After all, We are only Humans. Wishing you clear skies and wide eyes. To share your experiences or just leave a comment there is a area below. Read or listen. We are the change the world has been waiting for! Have you witnessed an unidentified flying object? You are not alone. Whether you think UFOs are black projects, extraterrestrial craft, something else altogether, or just don’t know, again: you are not alone! Unconditional love. The road we all get to walk. Unconditional love is like the sun.


LOL=Love and Regards,

Happy Quarantine !

Thank You,

Nancy Thames : )

6 thoughts on “Charles Hall and Tall White aliens”

    • I just now heard of the tall white aliens and im very open minded and eager to read more on this I always believed in UFOs. Always , I’ve had multiple instances of waking up miles
      and upon miles from how when I was 10 yrs old.

  1. Having been around them they are concern about germs their children could become ill much like natives Americans catching smallpox.

  2. WTF is wrong with these Tall Whites They use our planet as a stopover and threaten our people with death ? Fuck ’em who do they think they are and why are they allowed to behave in such an arrogant manner. They have no soul.

  3. I am absolutely astounded and mesmerised by the tall white alien revelations. It is time that humanity become aware of extra terrestrial civilisations. We need to learn more about the diversity of the universe of which we are a part in order to make the advancements that we need to make


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