Anunnaki [a channeled name] That Control our Planet

we are the world
We Are the World
We Are the World
We Are the World

Wonderful if you stick with it its all about us waking up and becoming a new society of  Harmony, Sharing and Caring for all Humanity. Many changes are happening to our planet and they [  the evil ones ] can’t control us. They are  just trying  to influence us in negative ways. We are tired of it . We are ready to unlock our hearts and join the Galactic Alliance . Being a Spiritual Stareseed myself  this is what I am here for,  on a mission to share  this positive  heart full energy and disclosure and the fact we have never been alone. . . There comes a day when know of a certain call that the World must come together as one . There are people dying and its time to lend a hand to life. The greatest gift of all.  WE ARE THE WORLD – WE ARE THE CHILDREN THAT MAKE A BRIGHTER DAY, SO LETS GET STARTED. Love and Regards, Thank You, Nancy Thames

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