Ancient Aliens: Is Mount Kailish an Ancient Nuclear Power Plant?

The faces of the mountain are strictly oriented to all cardinal directions, and there is always a snow cap on the top, which hinted that Mt. Kailash is a huge pyramid, around which other smaller pyramids are located. Some people believe that Mt. Kailash is the point on Earth where the energy of the Cosmos is accumulated. According to some scientists, the area near Mt. Kailash is an anomalous magnetic zone that affects mechanical devices.

From the book “The Great Plateau Being An Account Of Exploration In Central Tibet” by G.C. Rawling:

“In shape, Mount Kailash resembles a vast cathedral… the sides of the mountain are perpendicular and fall sheer for hundreds of feet, the strata horizontal, the layers of stone varying slightly in color, and the dividing lines showing up clear and distinct…… which give to the entire mountain the appearance of having been built by giant hands, of huge blocks of reddish stone.”

Mt. Kailash schematic diagram
Mt. Kailash schematic diagram

Interestingly, in the ancient Buddhist texts, Mt. Kailash is known as “Mount Meru.” British writer Colin Wilson wrote: “Buddhists regard the mountain as a mandala -— the sacred circle from which the sacred rivers flow like the spokes of the eternal wheel.” Buddhists and Hindus believe that the gods really took a residence there.

Around 1000 km from the Kailash in the Mogao Caves, China, Hungarian-born British explorer Aurel Stein found a sealed-off room containing nearly 50,000 manuscripts in various languages. It is believed that sometime between 500 BC and 1500 AD, Buddhist monks kept thousands of sacred texts and manuscripts in these caves (formed as temples), which are also known as Caves of the Thousand Buddhas. Among these scripts and relics, there was a Diamond Sutra, one of the most historically important texts in Buddhism.

Mount Meru
Mount Meru drawing found in the ancient Buddhist texts. YouTube screenshot/History

In these ancient Buddhist texts, there was a drawing of the 2nd century of Mount Meru. After 100 years of ignorance, this ancient sketch came to the attention of a scientist from an American multinational aerospace and defense technology company Northrop Grumman. According to him, the ancient illustration of Mount Meru looked exactly like the blueprint of a particle accelerator.

Author William Henry said: “I went and compared the diagram of Mount Meru with an illustration of what’s called a cyclotron, an atom smasher which was used in the development of the A-bomb for the Manhattan Project.”

mount kailash nuclear reactor
Mount Kailash Blueprint (Left) and Cyclotron, a particle accelerator (Right). YouTube screenshot/History

Could it be possible that the diagram of pyramidal-shaped Mount Kailash depicts a machine run on nuclear power?

According to Henry, in myths of Mongolia, the celestial beings dwelled around Meru because of the energy that was emitted from it. “It was a transmitter of this cosmic power that fed these celestial beings, or kept them alive. And I think that power might have come from Mount Kailash. This wasn’t a place that actually put out spiritual energy, but what we’re talking about is a place that produced raw energy, technological energy. Potentially, we’re talking about a power plant,” he said.

Ancient astronaut theorists believed that the ancient city of Indus Valley civilization Mohenjo-Daro was destroyed in the nuclear explosion. The skeleton found in the area contained radiation 50 times more than a natural level. The theorists are puzzled because if such an event happened in the past then to generate such an enormous amount of energy there would be a nuclear power plant. Now, if we connect every dot, it would take us back to Mount Kailash which in some sense could be that source.
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