Two UFOs Landed for Repair Guyancourt!

The Guyancourt UFO Incident, on July 1950, is a rare UFO Close Encounters of the Fifth kind, Claude Blondeau from Guyancourt, France, about 12.5 miles (20km) from Paris.

Close Encounters of the Fifth kind happens when a UFO event involves direct communication between aliens and humans.

He encountered two humanoid figures that emerged from their UFOs.

Mr. Claude Blondeau, owner of a small bar on Escadrile, near the Guyancourt Airport, was taking some air before retiring at about 11:00 pm.

The Guyancourt UFO Incident in Mr. Blondeau’s words

“On 23 or 24 of July 1950, around 11 p.m. I went for a little walk before going to bed.” according to Mr. Claude Blondeau.

“I was just contemplating the sky on an airfield on the outskirts of Paris. When I found myself isolated, about half of mile (1km) from home. Suddenly I heard a wind noise”.

“I saw, about one hundred meters of me, in the dark, two gray shapes … two perfectly round machines resembling two huge concave dishes”.

Mr. Claude Blondeau described the UFOs had five meters (16′) in diameter and 1.60 to 1, 70 m (about 5’5″) high on its axis.

The crafts were hovering just above the ground, the outline of the UFOS had a glazed metallic look. Each object had a row of rectangular “portholes” encircling the circumference.

He watched, a thick, oval door or hatch opened, approximately 15.5″ (40 cm), in the bottom of each machine.

From the hatch emerged a humanoid “man” dressed in dark blue or brown “flying suit.” Both appeared to have about 5’6″ or 1.7m tall.

They appeared entirely human with brownish hair.

Claude Blondeau’s Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind – Guyancourt UFO Incident


These men rushed to one of the machines and began, what seemed like, to “repair” one of some “plates” located on the under part of each object.

This repair work apparently involved the replacement of a defective unit.

It was operated without any protection on the hands or without the help of kind any tools.

Despite his excitement, Mr. Blondeau approached more. When both men saw me, they looked amazed but remained calm and acting naturally.

“Did you had an emergency landing?”

Then one of them replied:

“Yes, but not for long.” His French was correct, though dragged, pronounced slowly.

A minute later the “repair” was over, and each of them headed toward the door of their respective devices and opened it.

“I was under the impression that the metal of the equipment that resembled aluminum, did not weigh anything and that the saucers were about 4″ (10cm) from the ground without touching anywhere.”

From the inside came a “formidable” light filled the interior of the circular cabin.

“Hesitantly, I took a prowl through the open hatch.”

Peaking inside and UFO from the Guyancourt Incident

Mr. Blondeau described that in the center of the circular cabin was a kind of armchair or recliner (similar to a dentist’s chair), in red leather.

In front of this chair was something like a radio transmitter with seven or eight buttons.

On top of it was what seemed like a large solid metal oval “steering wheel” with projecting handles at opposite sides and filled with signs and buttons.

Various other devices grouped in blocks/panels arranged around the “control chair.”

Mr. Blondeau questioned them again, especially on the use of numerous buttons that manned the control panel.

The response was very laconic: “Energy.”

In seconds and with no further explanations, the two men re-entered their respective objects. The doors sealed hermetically from the inside.

The “port-holes” became luminous, and within seconds the two discs tilted up on end, from their horizontal inclinations, the devices made no noise.

The UFOs then shot straight up at very high accelerations, disappearing like shooting towards the stars.

As they ascended, Blondeau again heard the wind-like noise, like a blowing but did not feel anything, not even a breeze.

According to MR. Blondeau, no more than two minutes elapsed between the time that these devices were spotted to the time when it took off.

Leaving with out explanations

When Mr. Blondeau came to, there was no longer even a shadow of flying saucers.

“Where could I go? At a police station? No one would believe me.”

The next day, Blondeau returned to where he had witnessed his encounter but found not the slightest trace.

Not even the grass had traces of having been disturbed.

Also, no footprints from the pilots were visible, or any landing gear left a mark on the grass or on the ground.

Was The Guyancourt UFO Incident a hoax?

According to some UFO researchers, the local police hauled Mr. Blondeau and later claimed he confessed it to be a hoax.

This was one of the most strangest Close Encounters from France, but not the only one.

Most relevant French Close Encounters in 1950

March 1950, in St Raphael, France, witness photographed five UFOs.

During the same month in Orange witness claimed to encounter an unidentified craft and its occupants at close range.

On March 14, passed 10:30 pm in Arcachon, one witness observed an object, the size of the moon, for over four minutes.

The next day in the morning two other bystanders watched a UFO hover for six minutes over Aspres.

The same day in Orange Two Vampire jets on patrol 6000 feet high spotted a silver UFO traveling at 10,000 feet.

When the pilots changed the course to intercept the craft, it turned to an elliptical shape and moved extremely fast to east.

The event became known as French Air Force Vampire incident.

The New York Herald, London edition, reported, on April 17, 1950, local watched a UFO flying over Montmartre. The note did not make in the USA edition.

On the third day of May, a group of girls visualized what appeared to be a sizeable cigar-shaped cylinder shooting bright rays flying to the north of the residential areas of Savoyeux. This event happened to over one minute.

During the same day, by 4:30 pm a large number of witnesses, in Neuville-sur-Sarthe, witnesses Four UFOs flying slowly toward the horizon, leaving a smoke trail, for thirty minutes.

The 1950 Cours-les-Barres UFO Abduction

On May 19, a woman observed a moving light, similar to a bright star, stop and appeared to raise its altitude until being the same size as other stars for a while.

It then grew more prominent and with erratic movement took off.

They Are Back

The next day, on may 20, by the banks of the River Loire, in Cours-les-Barres, the same witness claimed to be surrounded by a bright light.

Two black hands appear and pulled her by the head. The hands came from above as it waited for her.

It pulled her head back against a metallic chest, the feeling of cold iron went through her hair and the back of the neck, but not through her clothes.

The feeling that the large fingers covered her eyes, nose, and mouth, to prevent her from seeing, breathing and crying out.

The hands violent dragged her along the path of the pasture. Above her, she heard a strange “underwater like” laugh.

Then the feeling of a knee hitting her on the back, forcing her to the ground and continued to drag her thru the brush in a hurry.

“There she is. We’ve got her.”

She heard.

The kidnapper pulled her until reached to a small pasture.

The hands gradually released her. After a while, she was able to get up after hearing some noise by the bushes believing the aggressors returned, but only branches moved, waving in the air.

With her legs bleeding she got up. But with some difficulty, she walked thru the path back to an area with some houses.

She heard and felt a warm violent whirlwind, she saw trees bending, and herself almost lost her balance. A bright blinding white light flew through the air very fast, but she could identify nothing.

Post investigation revealed ground traces, barbed wire fence damage.

The 1950 French UFO wave it is one of the most active in history.

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Unconditional love. The road we all get to walk. Unconditional love is like the sun.


Love and Regards,

Happy Quarantine

Thank You,

Nancy Thames


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