The True Story of the Philadelphia Experiment 1

The True Story of the Philadelphia Experiment 1


While the tensions were high during WWII it became blatantly obvious that in order to win. The US Navy needed to find an edge that could get them that extra push to win. This is how the Philadelphia Experiment actually came up and why it was even conducted in the first place.

I invite you to watch the following video.



The experiment officially took off in 1943 as the experts described the Philadelphia experiment. As a means to be able to completely hide a ship from the enemy’s radar and essentially be able to swim through magnetic marine mines.

It was officially manned by Dr. Franklin Reno. As he took off the USS Eldridge destroyer and two high-frequency electromagnetic field generators in order to essentially build up an electromagnetic field powerful enough to hide them from any known human technology.

It happened on July 22nd and the following reports still send shivers to us to this day. The witnesses reported the fact that the water began boiling up. And that a green light surrounded the whole ship as they proceeded.

Then, like a charm, the ship in itself disappeared both from the radars and from their sights. It reappeared 600km away at the Norfolk Naval Base then it reappeared at its original point.

All of the bod̳i̳e̳s of the people involved in the experiment seemed stuck inside of the ship’s walls, as they merged together.

The people that did end up surviving the experiment lost their minds. After the incident sadly enough which is why the Philadelphia Experiment is oftentimes referred to as a great tragedy. And why it hasn’t been repeated since as far as we know.






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Love and Regards,

Thank You,

Nancy Thames

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