The sons of God – this is aliens. UFOs in the Bible. Aliens – Elohim, Aliens Gods, Aliens Angels – The Creators of mankind….. Diezel Sun, DiezelSun….

1 thought on “The sons of God – this is aliens. UFOs in the Bible. Aliens – Elohim, Aliens Gods, Aliens Angels – The Creators of mankind….. Diezel Sun, DiezelSun….”

  1. Hello! The Elohim aren’t the son’s of god nor are they gods to begin with and just to clarify they’re advanced humans from another planet.There is no concrete scientific evidence for gods or god.It must be demonstrated using the scientific method.All references to sons of god or god must be taken out of biblical texts.The book written by our beloved prophet Rael goes in length as well as detail of who and what the Elohim truly are and just for the record the name of the book is,”Message from the Designers!”I have no doubt that demonstrated concrete evidence of a scientific nature and using the scientific method will help to prove without any doubt that the Elohim are real along with proof of their advance science and technology will also prove their claims in regards to the true nature of existance and than some hopefully sometime after first contact with humanity along with a embassy for our creators the Elohim.I’am sure they will be so happy when its finally built thanks to our human Elohim potential.


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