The Council of Five Orela, Egarot, Ginvo, Redan, Emerther


About the council of Five: ORELA – EGAROT – EMERTHER – GINVO – REDAN

Very little is known about the five alien races that are part of the Council of 5. These races have been protecting Earth and Humans for as long as there are (alien) records of it.

An Alien race reported that the “Council of 5” last met on Earth in 1944.

“After the Anunakene tempered with the DNA of “primates” and created Humans ,

the “Council of 5 ” decided to not only monitor but also to protect us, as they
realized that one day Humans would be able to join other alien races in

development and enlightenment.”

 This Council knows how to keep track of your incarnations and to a degree can control your souls birth position if necessary when you affiliate with them closely as an insider. They stay very mysterious for good reasons but their intent is good. If there is an Adjustment Bureau it’s them.  There are great reasons why they stay mostly off the radar.  I pity the soul that is on their bad side.  Still they are full of compassion while at the same time they can strike a fear into evil ones that is 2nd to none. That’s a good thing.

Little is known to humanity about the Emerther race. We do know that they are a peaceful race and are part of the Council of Five. Our few encounters with them have painted them as intelligent, humorous, and generally very pleasant to be around. The last meeting of the Council of Five reportedly took place on Earth in 1944.

GINVO                              No information found.

REDAN   This is a REDAN, they are part of the council of 5 that protect this planet. In other words they are benevolent. They are technologically superior to us and can speak our language as well as communicate telepathically. I encountered one when I was at room 16 of Methodist hospital in Houston TX. I was asked to go to a checkup room and there was a Dr their that looked very strange to me as if she had had to much plastic surgery. She also moved strange. She didn’t say anything she just looked at me. I asked her questions and all she did was say “I don’t know” and play stupid. I was wondering if she was an alien or somthing because of her strange appearance and movements and the fact she didn’t need to talk to me the way a normal Dr would. After a while they told me that the checkup was over, they just wanted her to stair at me and read my mind apparently. I got no answers I could understand about that situation. Now years later, that happened in 2011, I understand that I was right about her being an alien. Apparently she was a member of the REDAN alien race. She matches the description of this kind of alien.

Please remember we all have different opinions, Think Before You Speak or Write Something that is cruel to Others. After all, We are only Humans. Wishing you clear skies and wide eyes. To share your experiences or just leave a comment there is a area below. Read or listen.

We are the change the world has been waiting for!

Have you witnessed an unidentified flying object?

You are not alone. Whether you think UFOs are black projects, extraterrestrial craft, something else altogether, or just don’t know, again: you are not alone!

Unconditional love. The road we all get to walk. Unconditional love is like the sun.


Love and Regards,

Happy Quarantine

Thank You,

Nancy Thames

The Council of Five Orela Egarot Ginvo Redan Emerther


10 thoughts on “The Council of Five Orela, Egarot, Ginvo, Redan, Emerther”

  1. Hey Nancy…I have detailed info on the race that founded the Council of Nine, now five, maybe soon just 3, but that’s another story. The race is known as the Elmanuk

    Have you ever had communications with any of the Council of Five races or aware of someone who does/might? Anyways, just came across your website today, write me back if this topic interests you.
    Thanks. Myles.

    • I am having a hard time finding info on the Elmanuk.
      Any resources would be appreciated!
      Nancy Thames

  2. Hi there, yesterday I wrote this page on the Elmanuk:

  3. I feel like I have had a friendship in another life with a Emerther, It was strange because I understood his sense of humor. I dream about it a lot.

  4. I’m RGS those three initials equal 44. This means March 3rd, 1989 equals 33. I’m from Oregon the 33 state with 36 counties. I’m the 3rd smallest one, do the math. Ryan means KING. Aryan means Sovereign, Orion means HUNTER, That’s 3 back to back. Earth 3rd planet from the sun (93 Million Mile) Pluto is the 9th planet from the sun. I was conceived Jewish calender month 9th and born 3rd Julian calender. 4 Scared 11 civil year I stormed the beach in year 44 of Normandy. Plus 66 inches tall adds up to 5ft 6in. This means 56 singed the declaration of independence and Julius Ceasar died yr 44 at age 55. I can go on and on again TO WHOMEVER THIS CONCERNS I’M KING!!! Hit me up I See YOU as much as you see ME. King! king!! KING!!! It’s MY WORLD WAR THREE! FOR MINE, THE OTHER SIDE OF THE SEA!!! Sorry if this comes off a certain way to some, I know everything.


  5. Hi, I’m pretty new to all this but learning.
    Last night I woke up with the words Council of 5 repeating in my head and 5s floating in front of me. I’m not sure what to make of this. I’ve never heard of them. Any thoughts?

  6. I recently received an awakening vision of “The Council”…..the name was given to me and I had no idea what it meant or why I recieved the image. I did a google search which brought me here. My vision is of 5 spirit beings standing around the sun and universe.

  7. aliens abducted me, started probing me, face down ass up cheeks spread wide by some ass grabbing machine, actually if i remeber right, it was five of them, and one who just stood there holding what looked like a camera pointed at me. it was alright but those little grey bastards couldnt keep up, they tapped out and beamed me back down to earth, but in the reassembling of my atoms, they forgot to return my nuts to the correct spot on my body. they now dangle from my chin. help!?


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