Disc-Shape Object Recorded Deep Underwater

John Michael Godier And exploration of three scientific papers on the UFO Phenomenon, two very recent, in relation to the US government and Harvard’s Galileo Project probes into the UFO UAP phenomenon.     Please remember we all have different opinions, Think Before You Speak or Write Something that is cruel to Others. After all, …

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Hidden Underwater Civilizations Are Close To Being Discovered

Earth’s magnetic fields may soon reveal the submerged Doggerland.   Antonio Busiello//Getty Images Doggerland is an ancient landmass submerged under what is now the North Sea, a large body of water among England, Denmark, and Norway Scientists are now analyzing magnetic field data gathered from magnetometers to explore this ancient landmass and to search for …

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Underwater UFOs And Undersea USO Bases-Mufon UFO Symposium

  After publishing and article in Fate Magazine and a LIVE appearance on a History Channel Special, both with a focus on Unidentified Submerged Objects (USOs), Author and UFO Researcher Preston Dennett received a flood of emails and letters from new witnesses detailing many dramatic USO cases that had never been revealed before. Along the …

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