Extraterrestrial civilizations may lurk in the Milky Way that might not be friendly

The Milky Way is home to millions of potentially habitable planets — and approximately four of them may harbor evil alien civilizations that would invade Earth if they could, new research posted to the preprint database arXiv suggests. The new paper, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, poses a peculiar question: What are the odds that humans could one …

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Lights from alien cities are an intriguing potential technosignature

This photo shows several cities in the American Midwest at night as seen by an astronaut on the International Space Station on Sept. 29, 2011, with the greenish glow of the aurora also visible. The light emitted by cities on exoplanets is an intriguing possible technosignature, a new paper suggests. (Image credit: NASA) Scientists searching for …

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Is Earth As An ‘Interesting’ Planet to a Alien Civilization?

  The ideal ‘Earth 2.0’ will be an Earth-sized, Earth-mass planet at a similar Earth-Sun distance from… [+] NASA Ames/JPL-Cal-tech/T. Pyle All across the Universe, trillions of galaxies can be seen, with each one typically containing billions and billions of stars. Here on Earth, life not only arose, thrived, and became complex and differentiated, but …

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