What John Lear Knew about the Moon, Suppressed Science, and the Secret Technology!

UAMN TV John Lear (1942-2022) reveals information pertaining to a space program involving the Apollo missions as well as secret program that actually started going to the moon in 1962 and landed on Mars in 1966, apparently using covert antigravity technology. Could our Moon be currently occupied and being mined using advanced technology?   Please …

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You Won’t Believe What Dr Reed Just Told Us about Off-World Technology! Dr. Reed

DrJ Radio Live After the landmark interview featuring Dr. Jonathon Reed (Here is the link: New Shocking ET Evidence DNA They DON’T Want to See! Dr. Reed Speaks!       Please remember we all have different opinions, Think Before You Speak or Write Something that is cruel to Others. After all, We are only …

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Tartaria – Human History is Wrong – PART 1 – Athena Swaruu

Cosmic Agency Let’s get into the subject of Tartaria, artificially destroyed civilization. Also, we’ll talk about terrestrial history and how the chronology of “historical” events doesn’t fit.       Please remember we all have different opinions, Think Before You Speak or Write Something that is cruel to Others. After all, We are only Humans. …

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Linda Moulton Howe’s 2023 UFO WHISTLEBLOWERS FILES: Civilian Pilots to Military to Aerospace

UAMN TV Investigative Reporter Linda Moulton Howe will presents her whistleblower files about UFO/UAPs and E.T. sources ranging from civilian pilots to military and aerospace sources who know the U. S. government has been classifying Earth’s true reality that we are not alone in this universe since World War II – at 2023 Conscious Life …

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What Are They Hiding Underneath? The Truth about the Denver International Airport Conspiracy

The Why Files It’s just a matter of time before it happens. Some catastrophic event that wipes out a large percentage of the Earth’s population; and forces the human race to “reset”. Maybe one of the 30,000 “Near Earth Objects” being tracked by NASA finally hit the Earth. Causing an extinction event on par with …

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Who Saw The Men In Black (Full Movie)

UNIDENTIFIED Discover the truth behind Men in Black experiences and eye witness accounts since the beginning of the UFO cover-up history. Who are the Men in Black? Many have reported their own Men in Black experiences and eye witness accounts since the beginning of the UFO cover-up history. Walk through the true history of Men …

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Do We Share Earth With Someone Else? With Garry Nolan

Event Horizon Garry Nolan is a professor in the Department of Pathology at Stanford University School of Medicine. His areas of research include hematopoiesis, cancer and leukemia, autoimmunity and inflammation. Most recently he has studied meta materials and cases related to ufo encounters.     Please remember we all have different opinions, Think Before You …

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A Contactee Details his Experiences with the “Extragalactic Interdimensional Cooperative Alliance”

UAMN TV The incredible experiences of contactee Barry Littleton started at a young age and developed into more perplexing phenomena as the years past which gave him a glimpse of another reality that is utilized by extraterrestrial entities.     Please remember we all have different opinions, Think Before You Speak or Write Something that …

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Former Counterintelligence Officer Discloses AREA 51 HIGHLY Classified Access Programs

UAMN TV Richard Doty served in the Air Force Office of Special Investigation (AFOSI) as a counterintelligence officer for 10 years. Prior to joining the AFOSI, Doty was in the regular air force. During his counterintelligence days, he was briefed into the US program which investigated UFOs and extraterrestrial contact. During his time in AFOSI, …

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“THE CREATORS” – My Encounter with E.T Scientists & Genetic Engineers

UAMN TV Jonny Enoch moderates a discussion of people who have had various forms of contact with extraterrestrial and other entities – A dynamic duo Jonny Enoch and Dannion Brinkley present Project Earth: Meet your Creators In this cutting-edge presentation, you will hear a first hand account of an enormous UFO Jonny witnessed in 2020 …

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