Raelians Talk About USA UFO Report


• The International Raelian Movement believes that an advanced human civilization came to Earth thousands of years ago to scientifically engineer all life forms, including human beings ‘in their image’. “References to these scientists and their work can be found in the ancient texts of many cultures, but our primitive ancestors—mesmerized by their technology—mistook them for gods,” explained Raelian spokesperson Brigitte Boisselier, PhD.

• For several decades, Rael, the spiritual Raelian leader, has predicted an increase in UFO sightings. “This influx,” says Boisselier, “is meant to increase public awareness [of] extraterrestrial life and prepare the world for [the extraterrestrials’] official return at the Embassy we wish to build to welcome them.”

• Raelians enthusiastically await the UAP Task Force report. It is said to review more than 120 ‘UFO incidents’ from the past 20 years. According to the New York Times previews published on June 3, the report’s conclusion “will state that these incidents weren’t caused by any US advanced technology, but it will also fail to provide evidence linking these incidents with extraterrestrial visitations.”

• “Whatever the conclusions of this report will be, we rejoice to the idea that 120 additional UFO sightings will be made available for the public, and for scientists and experts alike, to review sightings that have been well documented by Army and Navy officers who are trained to recognize foreign technologies, but yet cannot arrive at a conclusion as to their terrestrial origins,” said Boisselier.

• “The most revealing aspect of these sightings might not necessarily be the technology per se, but rather the display of maneuvers that suggest a high degree of playfulness and peaceful teasing of the Navy fighter pilots by whoever flies these crafts,” says Boisselier. “Why such an alleged enemy would take so long to reveal itself over decades should be explained once and for all.” Whether these UFO incidents are irrefutable evidence of extraterrestrial visitations or man-made celestial phenomena, the Raelians look forward to scientific scrutiny. “We remain confident that their conclusions will eliminate all possible terrestrial origins and move the debate from ‘who’ to ‘why’,” stated Boisselier.

• According to recent polls, more than 60% of people around the world believe that there are other forms of life in the Universe. About 40% believe extraterrestrials are closely monitoring our planet. “[I]t’s refreshing to see this number increase steadily,” said Boisselier . “We are confident that the upcoming UAP report will bring us closer to this reality, and to the truth.”


Claude Vorilhon, Raelian leader

LAS VEGAS – Raelians await the UAP Task Force report to be released this month with reasoned

                   frolicking Raelians

enthusiasm. The report, produced under the auspices of a Pentagon group, is said to review more than 120 ‘UFO incidents’ from the past 20 years. According to the New York Times previews published on June 3, the report’s conclusion “will state that these incidents weren’t caused by any US advanced technology, but it will also fail to provide evidence linking these incidents with extraterrestrial visitations.”

“Whatever the conclusions of this report will be, we rejoice to the idea that 120 additional UFO sightings will be made available for the public, and for scientists and experts alike, to review—sightings that have been well documented by Army and Navy officers who are trained to recognize foreign technologies, but yet cannot arrive at a conclusion as to their terrestrial origins,” said Brigitte Boisselier, PhD, spokesperson for the International Raelian Movement.

        Brigitte Boisselier

Whether these incidents are irrefutable evidence of extraterrestrial visitations or man-made celestial phenomena should be decided by scientists who are best positioned to apply scientific rigor using the most cutting-edge tools to analyze data and to

                      parading Raelians

explain how these UAPs move, their trajectories, and their still-puzzling patterns. “We remain confident that their conclusions will eliminate all possible terrestrial origins and move the debate from ‘who’ to ‘why’,” stated Boisselier.

“The most revealing aspect of these sightings might not necessarily be the technology per se, but rather the display of maneuvers that suggest a high degree of playfulness and peaceful teasing of the Navy fighter pilots by whoever flies these crafts. Why such an alleged enemy would take so long to reveal itself over decades should be explained once and for all,” added Boisselier.

According to Raelians, a vast majority of these sightings are signs from an advanced civilization that has come to Earth thousands of years ago to scientifically engineer all life forms, including human beings ‘in their image’. “References to these scientists and their work can be found in the ancient texts of many cultures, but our primitive ancestors—mesmerized by their technology—mistook them for gods,” explained Boisselier.




Please remember we all have different opinions, Think Before You Speak or Write Something that is cruel to Others. After all, We are only Humans. Wishing you clear skies and wide eyes. To share your experiences or just leave a comment there is a area below. Read or listen.

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You are not alone. Whether you think UFOs are black projects, extraterrestrial craft, something else altogether, or just don’t know, again, you are not alone!

Unconditional love. The road we all get to walk. Unconditional love is like the sun.


Love and Regards,

Thank You,

Nancy Thames

Source: (prnewswire.com)


2 thoughts on “Raelians Talk About USA UFO Report”

  1. Hello! Thank you for including Raelian news in the article posted above and it is so important to give everyone a voice even if that voice is controversial in nature.Thank you again for including it here may the force of unconditional love be with the person who approves my comments goodbye signed a online Raelian member,Richard!


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