Project Bluebeam about to be unleashed according to former FBI Special Agent

John DeSouza was an FBI Special Agent working on Counter-Terrorism and Paranormal Cases for 25 years. He conducted many investigations and collected the real X-FILES used on the top-rated television show: THE X-FILES. DeSouza has written three books, one of which, The Extra-Dimensionals: True Tales and Concepts of Alien Visitors (2016), contains predictions about how a false flag Project Blue Beam event will play out. In this Exopolitics Today interview, DeSouza explains his decades of research and experiences that led to the information inside The Extra-Dimensionals. He outlines several predictions and how these are being fulfilled by contemporary events that point to a false flag event involving a mix of holographic technologies, and actual reverse-engineered spacecraft is going to play out. DeSouza’s astounding predictions and analysis are a must-watch for all wondering what cards the Deep State will play as it desperately tries to hold onto political power.




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Nancy Thames

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