Priestesses of Atlantis – The Mysterious Ladies of Elche and Guardamar

Sep 16, 2019

Ancient artifacts discovered on the Southern Coast of Spain have challenged historians’ beliefs about earlier civilizations that could carve stone in a very remarkable fashion, contrary to their initial beliefs. Even more, details of one of the busts, that of the Lady of Elche (dubbed so after its discovery place) hint at a different origin other than the Iberian coast. The artifact is held in high regard by Spaniard scholars because no such refined piece (older than 2,000 years) has ever been found on their territory. Another bust found a few tens of miles south from the site of the first lady fuels the mystery even more. Could these two artifacts have been originally carved in the fabled land of Atlantis? Are they the remains of a bygone glorious era of humanity? Let’s confront the evidence and find out.

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Nancy Thames

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