Lemuria , Maldek and Atlantis


The asteroid belt is all that remains of the planet Maldek

The asteroid belt is all that remains of the planet Malde


Hundreds of thousands of years ago there was another planet in this Solar System, about the size of Earth, which made its orbit between Mars and Jupiter. It was a green prosperous world inhabited by a people who had not reached a state of really advanced culture, but had nevertheless attained a stage which afforded an abundance of necessities which made life comparatively comfortable for all.

They studied the philosophies and dabbled in the sciences as do we, except that these people were more advanced in many ways than we are. The planet was so highly mechanized that robots took care of all the menial tasks. The inhabitants had discovered a rudimentary form of space travel, and could control their weather so that drought and famine became long forgotten. The majority, having an abundance of food, and having no menial tasks to perform, soon became content to while away their time in the sun. They became, in comparison with higher planetary cultures, a selfish, lackadaisical people seeking after their own enjoyment, as do the majority of people on Earth today.

Then the disease came.

It probably started subtly in the minds of those few men of science who shunned the procrastinating majority, in a fervent search for material conquest, thus leaving themselves open to the incurable affliction.

The mental disease manifested itself as a lust for greater power.

They found it!

They exploded a hydrogen bomb and completely destroyed the planet Maldek and murdered the whole populace in one blinding flash of searing flame. All that is now left of that beautiful planet is the asteroid belt.

The people who inhabited Maldek were suddenly released onto their different etheric planes. According to the perfect law of karma, these people had to reincarnate again, under strict limitation, upon another planet in the Solar System. The Earth was approached.

The Gods made an appeal to the Earth as an intelligence, asking if she would be willing to take compassion upon the killers of Maldek and agree to their reincarnation upon her back. In her great merciful compassion, she agreed, thereby accepting thousands of years of limitation so that these lesser life forms could gain essential experience. The Gods then approached the true inhabitants of Earth, a highly cultured race of individuals called – Adamic man, who also agreed to cooperate with the coming to Earth of the people from Maldek.

Gradually those too lazy to stop the shocking cosmic crime of the destruction of Maldek and those who had actually brought it about, were reincarnated upon Earth. Adamic man stayed for a time giving instruction, guidance and help – and then, in accordance with Divine law, left the new inhabitants of Earth to their own devices.


Out of the gross limitation of atomic mutation the civilization of Lemuria (also known as Mu) dragged its weary self. The Earth became somewhat similar to what Maldek had been. The people began to probe the philosophies and the sciences again, and the Lemurian civilization flourished.

At its peak, it was a civilization of much finer culture than we know on Earth today. The Lemurians established a liaison between themselves and advanced intelligences from other planets, who taught them a great deal.

But alas, the disease struck again.

Lemuria was split into two camps: good and evil, the later camp again probing the atom. For the second time, the forces within God’s tiny building blocks were unleashed – and the civilization of Lemuria was destroyed.


Again those left were born through gross limitation on and off a world seething with radioactive poisoning until, eventually, after thousands of years, another semblance of culture came into being, and, slowly at first, then later gaining momentum, the civilization of Atlantis flourished upon Earth. Again space travel was established. Again some listened to the voice of wisdom coming from higher sources, and there was a split into three definite camps. The few, searching for a force to give them conquest over the whole Solar System, the majority not caring much, because they were content to live in their procrastination’s, and the other few, who had proved themselves ready for the higher teachings and possessed the logic and faith to accept the voice of higher authority.

Again the minds of the sadistic minority invented atomic weaponry.

As had happened at the time of the fall of Lemuria, those who were ready for evacuation just prior to the devastation that was to follow, were taken off the Earth by the Gods from space. Meanwhile, those beset with greed and lust for material supremacy, warred with each other. As neither side could win such an atomic war – down fell the civilization of Atlantis into charred radioactive ruins.

Today, again the forces of the atom have been unleashed. Again the world is divided against itself.

Let us not make the same mistake a fourth time!

* * *

It should also be noted that after the destruction of Lemuria, the Gods saw fit to place a barrier around the Earth called by some “the ring-pass-not”. In scientific terms this barrier is called “the ionosphere”. After the destruction of Atlantis, the ionosphere was greatly intensified. This intensification tended to cut man off from the higher forms of inspiration, making advancement so much more difficult. This move had to be brought about according to karmic law.

This is a very brief history of why we are here upon Earth and why we are at the bottom of the evolutionary ladder in this Solar System. No other people in the Solar System have committed the worst possible crime, namely that of murdering a planetary intelligence.

Although we stand today in a position similar to that before Maldek was destroyed, there is one major difference between the two situations and that is this: the Supreme Lords of Karma have now declared, that under no account will this planet – the Mother Earth – be destroyed.

Please remember we all have different opinions, Think Before You Speak or Write Something that is cruel to Others. After all, We are only Humans. Wishing you clear skies and wide eyes. To share your experiences or just leave a comment there is a area below. Read or listen.

We are the change the world has been waiting for!

Have you witnessed an unidentified flying object?

Whether you think UFOs are black projects, extraterrestrial craft, something else altogether, or just don’t know.

Unconditional love. The road we all get to walk. Unconditional love is like the sun.


Love and Regards,

Happy Quarantine

Thank You,

Nancy Thames

Source: The Nine Freedoms

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