It Came From Outer Space! Crystals for Starseeds and Extraterrestrials

Starseeds and Extraterrestrials

Starseeds and Extraterrestrials

Bring A Shift In Consciousness

Starseeds, or ‘Star People’, are extraordinary beings of light with origins from extraterrestrial planets or alternate dimensions. The Starseed’s physiological makeup is composed of unique extraterrestrial DNA that will awaken at a very specific moment in his lifetime so he can achieve his soul’s purpose. He incarnates on Earth in order to help humanity. Although Starseeds are typically born without awareness of their astral roots, they have the potential to reconnect with their origins to revitalize Mother Earth.

Life as a Starseed: Growing Up Extraterrestrial 

For years, the young Starseed may feel like a lonely wanderer struggling to find his real ‘home’. During adolescence, the Starseed may witness several or more UFO sightings, and experience a sense of peace, yearning or familiarity with this phenomenon. As he develops, the Starseed may experience a feeling of being connected to the stars with a subconscious need to explore what lies beyond the earth. The Starseed has an innate awareness of the faulty institutions of our society; he may rebel against the ‘system’ in order to draw humanity’s attention to our destructive ways.

Quick Assessment: Are You a Starseed?

  1. Do you have the unshakable belief that life exists on another plane? 
  2. Have you experienced several UFO sightings in your lifetime? 
  3. Are you deeply disturbed by the destruction of the earth and wish to stop it? 
  4. As a child, did you long to find your ‘true’ family, even if you were not adopted? 
  5. Are you hypersensitive to lights, sounds, textures and temperatures? 
  6. Are you a non-conformist who detests the corrupt power of social institutions? 
  7. Do others, even strangers, naturally gravitate toward you for guidance or healing? 
  8. Have you received flash insights or premonitions from a higher force?
  9. Have you recently begun to awaken to ‘dreams’ of interacting with extraterrestrial beings? 
  10. Do you have the propensity for ‘out of body’ experiences, astral projections, or lucid dreams that take you to other dimensions? 

*If you answered ‘Yes’ to 8 out of 10 questions, you are most likely a Starseed.  

Starseeds and Extraterrestrials

You can unlock the memories of your higher consciousness

Later, the mature Starseed can tap into his higher consciousness and communicate with his Star family at will. The Star family will reassure him during his journey as a friendly invader on a struggling planet. Typically, the Starseed’s memory of his origins may be triggered by a traumatic life event, where he will push through and begin tapping into his soul’s memories.

However, using celestial gemstones can facilitate the Starseed awakening process in a more gentle manner. Moldative, a crystal with possible extraterrestrial origins, is an outstanding psychic aid for the budding Starseed to unlock his soul’s potential.


Moldavite: A Starseed’s Powerful Reminder of Home 

Moldavite, a powerful green stone, may release powerful memories in developing Starseeds. Scientists have speculated that Moldavite’s high vibrational frequency may be caused by extraterrestrial influences: the stone, which has an unusually intense energy, crashed to Earth from a mysterious location 15 million years ago. Since Moldavite aligns with the Heart Chakra, wearing this pendant on a low chain can bring the Starseed warmth and comfort as he awakens to the callings of his true self. Here is an exercise for the awakening Starseed to use with Moldavite:

Moldavite Pendant

Moldavite Pendant

1. Clear out unwanted energies from the mind by placing Quartz or Amethyst on the center of the forehead (Crown Chakra). Imagining negative, distracting thoughts draining into the stone.

2. When you are relaxed, enter a deeper state of meditation using your preferred methods. Hold a shard of Moldavite on the breast bone (Heart Chakra).

3. Envision gentle rays of light flowing from the stone and casting a beautiful, green glow over your Heart, Third Eye and Crown Chakras.

4. Tap into the subconscious yearnings you have had to return ‘home’, or the love you have felt for the cosmos. You may wish to envision your Star family or beings of light that have come to you in dreams or fantasies.

5. As you relax your mind, you may start to see sparks of light or color appear in your vision. Foster these images–visualize the mind’s ‘eye’ slowly unfolding until it is entirely open and receptive. Give your mind permission to soar as you receive your soul’s memories or messages from your Star family. Unwind on the journey and see where your mind – and the power of Moldavite – takes you.

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