Is Moses King Tut’s Uncle?

The temple of Seti I at Abydos is one of the most important archaeological sites of Ancient Egypt. It is situated about 10 km from the Nile River in the Osiris sanctuary nearby Osireion, which is the house of many incredible pieces of wall art that still surprise archeologists with their richness in color. The temple is dedicated to six gods of ancient Egypt: Ptah, Re-Horakhty, Amun-Re, Osiris, Isis, and Horus. Osiris is the Egyptian Lord of the Underworld and Judge of the Dead, brother-husband to Isis, and one of the most important gods of ancient Egypt. He is often described as a god with green skin with elongated headdress and partially mummy-wrapped legs.

The gods Osiris, Anubis, and Horus. Wall painting in the tomb of Horemheb. Image credit: Wikimedia Commons

The walls of the temple contain a relief carving that shows an astonishing object that seems to be a device of some unknown technology. The device is known as Osiris Device or Osiris Stargate according to William Henry, an investigative mythologist, and art historian. He is also the Consulting Producer of the global hit History Channel program, Ancient Aliens.

Henry made a surprising connection between the Osiris device and the Tower of Babel. He writes: “In the 23rd century B.C. the Sumerian king Nimrod built a ladder (symbolized by an H) or Tower (actually a gate) that reached from Babylon into the stars. The jealous Israelite god Yahweh got nervous about humankind ‘making a Name or Renown’ for itself by building this Gate. If successful, says the Book of Genesis, ‘nothing we can imagine would be impossible for us.’

Biblical scholars say Nimrod was known as Osiris, the Egyptian god of resurrection, in Egypt. Both are associated with ladders or stairways to heaven. This is key. Inside Sety’s 14th century B.C. temple at Abydos, in the Osiris Chapel, is the magnificent depiction of Osiris as a pillar or tower. In fact, the Egyptians called this Osiris pillar the Ta-Wer or ‘bond between heaven and earth’. Sounds like Babel to me.”

Osiris Device
Osiris Device: screenshot via History Channel, Ancient Aliens


Then the researcher looked at a similar depiction on the opposite wall of the Osiris sanctuary. He suggested that the shape of the ship reminded him of the shape of a wormhole in space and that the Osiris device had been transformed into the figure of Seti.

“Pay particular attention to Seti who appears to have transformed his body into the Osiris Device… or is coming out of it. This is a wonderful moment of transformation and resurrection.” He stated that a wormhole-shaped ship of eternity is attached to the Osiris Device. Is this an ancient scanning device that projected souls to distant galaxies or other dimensions?

The Osiris Stargate Device
The Osiris Stargate Device

If we assume there is a connection with Osiris, the Sumerian king Nimrod, and the story of the Tower of Babel, could this attempt to create “a stairway to heaven” be the motive for the biblical destruction of the tower, or this technology? Once again, there are similar stories between the ancient Egyptians and the Bible.

anubis shrine
The Anubis Shrine in situ at the entrance of the Treasury

The Shrine of Anubis found in King Tutankhamun’s tomb could be a physical representation of the Osiris device, which is similar in appearance to the Ark of the Covenant of the Bible.

According to Livescience, “The Ark of the Covenant is a chest that held tablets engraved with the Ten Commandments. It was constructed by the Israelites while they were camping out in the Sinai Desert after they fled Egypt. The Hebrew Bible doesn’t specify when they fled Egypt, and there is a debate among scholars as to whether there ever was an exodus from Egypt. The ark vanished when the Babylonians conquered Jerusalem in 587 B.C.”

It is said that the ark holds magical powers and even a curse. When it was stolen by the Philistines, the people were afflicted by disease and outbreaks of tumors. That is why it was returned to the Israelites. Besides, there are stories claiming that anyone who touched the ark or looked inside it would face death.

Another sacred Egyptian object resembling the Ark of the Covenant is the Bark of Horus that was found in the sanctuary of the temple of Horus at Edfu. The bark is basically a designation for the ship in which gods used to travel.

Globalegyptianmuseum writes: “Depictions in the tombs in the Valley of the Kings, forming part of the Amduat and other funerary compositions, show the nocturnal journey of the god and his followers through the underworld in a bark. The dead king was also thought to travel through the hereafter; it is assumed that the so-called solar barks, found near Old Kingdom tombs, were designed to transport the king through the underworld. The best known is the boat belonging to Khufu, now restored and open to the public where it was found, next to his pyramid at Giza.

bark of horus
The holy bark in the sanctuary of the temple of Horus at Edfu.

In addition, there was also another type: the bark used to transport the (statue of a) god in Egypt. This type resembled an ordinary Nile boat but was decorated with an aegis at the prow or at both ends, and instead of a cabin had a shrine enclosing the statue. In most cases, these barks also had to carry poles that rested on the shoulders of the priests carrying the bark. They were stored in the back of the temple of the god in question, close to or even in the holy of holies, where they rested on special stands.

Transporting the gods in barks usually happened during processions, sometimes within the temple walls but also outside, for example to the west bank of Thebes or even further, for example, Hathor traveled by bark from Dendera to Edfu to visit Horus there.”

The Ark of the Covenant has been missing for 2,600 years. It was supposedly seen last time in Jerusalem. There are many stories about its current place. Learn more about the story on Britannica.




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Nancy Thames


1 thought on “Is Moses King Tut’s Uncle?”

  1. Hello! I consider myself a Jewish Raelian and I prefer a more Raelian verison of the Hebrew faith than what is taught in Jewish temples these days.With my Raelian intellect and knowledge of the prophet Moses.I consider him a prophet of the Elohim not a prophet of a illusionary god.Did Moses talk to god no but the Elohim did speak to Moses pretending to be god given his current level of understanding not to mention the Jewish people and the Egyptians in general.The burning bush was no doubt a display of special effects technology to convince Moses of this fact and no doubt the so-called holy mountain was a UFO base inhabited by the Elohim themselves.The miracles and power are no doubt the result of advanced science and technology.When the prophet Rael went to the eternal life planet all the prophets of the world religions back on Earth were accounted for on the eternal life planet including Moses.No doubt when Moses was brought back to life through cloning and brought to the eternal life planet he learned the truth of humanities origins and the illusion of god,a soul and all the rest of the so-called miracles during his day.From my own memory record I can confirm that the parting of the Red sea was do to advanced UFO technology along with plagues of Egypt as well.No doubt the mission of Moses was for the Elohim to write the ten commandments and present them to the Jewish people.It wasn’t the power of god just a act carried out by the Elohim behind the scenes.Lastly what is mentioned in the article posted above in regards to the ark of the covenant is that it was radioactive to the touch and to look at since humanity had no knowledge of radioactivity than to the uneducated of the time it could only be explained as a curse.Along with miracles and the illusion of godly powers and in my Raelian verison of events I felt it necessary to include the real life facts of what happened so long ago into are present understanding of history.Since the above article was talking about Moses I thought I would include some Raelian facts to the story.I’am sure a lot more can be told in regards to the actual historical figure that is known as Moses perhaps one day when the embassy is built all the prophets of the world’s religions will make themselves known to modern day humans including Moses himself.I’am sure the record can be made straight with his telling of what really took place without needing references from the Hebrew bible to do so anyway thank you again for posting this story about Moses.I have enjoyed my time here telling Raelian facts associated with him have a good day plus goodbye and Shalom!


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