Hidden Anomalies of Antarctica

Brad Olsen: Hidden Anomalies of Antarctica [Part 1]

Join Brad Olsen to explore the possibility of massive craft under the ice, pyramids in the Shackleton Range, megalithic architecture being uncovered, and the possibility of giants and Ice Age animals being uncovered from the ice. Could Antarctica be the lost continent of Atlantis? Why are many of the elite going down there, to a location called the “Illuminati Disneyland”? These locations and more will be explored!

Brad Olsen who has visited some of the research stations in Antarctica will talk about the work that is being performed down there by scientists.

Coordinates: 75°00’47.0″S 0°04’52.7″E
Furthermore Brad explores the possibility of a massive craft under the ice, pyramids in the Shackleton Range, megalithic architecture being uncovered, and the possibility of giants and Ice Age animals being uncovered from the ice.
Why are many of the elite going down there, to a location called the “Illuminati Disneyland”? These locations and more will be explored!



Great Video I found tonight while doing my nightly research time surfing the Internet then quietly head to my back porch to sky watch for 20 to 30 minutes to give my eyes a break from the computer screen and TV. Then head back to start the cycle over.

1 thought on “Hidden Anomalies of Antarctica”

  1. I am ready to meet the aliens who have been hear as long or before our civilization and the government should not interfere with the people getting the knowledge that is our right to have.


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