Good Evening In The Light Of Our Most Radiant One


We, the Arcturians, do collectively welcome you to our home in the skies and to the dimensional frequency that will soon be the home of planet Earth, as well.

Our journey to your beautiful planet is one of friendship, dedication, and love to you, our brothers and sisters of Earth. We acknowledge the importance of your missions with as much respect as we accord the importance of ours, that being to assist Earthlings to enter another dimensional frequency of reality, which is the fifth dimension.

In order to do this, the fundamental ingredient of the process demands that one becomes love. In this process, the human must reach a new state of ecstasy that will enable him or her to move to a higher frequency of behavior. This higher frequency will lend itself automatically to the perfection of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies that are contained within each of your electronic circles.

This progression into the unknown must come to pass and is the natural state of evolution that humans must encounter. We have been in this dimensional frequency for many of your Earth centuries, and are here now to assist you in this “rebirthing process.”

We are also the watchtower, so to speak, that will enable the beloved Terra to make her transition into the New Age with as little pain as possible.

In order for her to do so, the human quality of negativity must come to a halt. This quality, which is developed out of fear and guilt, must be exchanged for the qualities of love and Light. In the exchange will come the peace, harmony, and ecstasy that each soul has longed for on the Earth.

We are here to assist any soul who will journey with us to this higher level of consciousness. We will work and communicate with any Being who finds that this higher state of consciousness is deserving of the attention it receives. We are also here to achieve our mission, which is the fulfillment of the plan of the Ascended Masters of the Universe, who are commanded by Jesus, the Christ, who is also known as Sananda on the higher realms. The Masters have a dedicated mission to save the planet Earth from its own possible, fatal destruction. They have the command and the vision to guide all who will continue on their evolutionary paths to a better world.

We take our mission very seriously. We understand whom we serve. There is no doubt as to where our loyalties lie in the serving of the Masters who so lovingly dedicate their energy and consciousness to the children of the planet. We share in their vision and in the glory that a new day will emerge on the Earth. We rejoice in the day when this vision also will become your reality.

We come in peace. We bring you love and Light from a distance across the galaxy that is incomprehensible to any mind on Earth. We bring you tidings of good will and joy from the Elders and the officials who serve us well, back on Arcturus.

Our journeys are far and are destined to fulfill the highest of movements and commands. Our journeys are also weary, for we have been away for so many Earth years that it is difficult to assess the conditions of what we left behind. We have been here with you, our sisters and brothers of Earth, for so many years that it is not even comprehensible to you that we have worked among you for that long. It is the truth, and has been the plan for two thousand years.

We have learned much about our own history from observing you in your struggle to achieve a higher consciousness. We watch in amazement at your battles against the delusions of the illusions that surround your essence. We weep for the torment and the anger that you bestow upon one another—for what purpose, we cannot say.

In these observations we have also learned of the beautiful quality of life on Earth, that is worthy of preserving. We have learned of the grace and beauty which you command. We marvel at your independence and the maneuvers which you use to maintain and preserve that independence. And in all of this, we continually ask “Why?” It is through the answering of this unanswered question that we have posed a question for you. In our wondering about your patterns of motivation and behavior, we observe that you often ask about ours. So, we pose this question to you: “Would you like to learn more about us, and what we are like?”

We are pleased to make your acquaintance by welcoming you to our home in the fifth dimension, and by taking you on a guided tour of our home. We do strive continually to work hard while on Earth assignment, and therefore, are always working. So while you will be reading this article and hopefully enjoying the contents, we will be working at enjoying you, as you are experiencing your introduction to us and our home.

Adonai, our beautiful sisters and brothers in the Light. We, the Arcturians, do salute you for the journey on which you are about to embark.

Dr. Norma J. Milanovich, “We The Arcturians”

Artist: IG @snitevivid



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